Importing requirements/ user stories

To import the requirements/ user stories click on the import button at the bottom of the "Requirements/ user stories" window, and then select your CSV import file.

The CSV file must be in the following suitable format:

·         Code: Required field (you must match to this field if you want to update a requirement/ user story that exists);

·         Type: Required field (must be 0 for a requirement and 1 for a user story);

·         Title: Required field;

·         Date: In format dd/mm/yyyy;

·         Source;

·         Risk;

·         Category: 0 for Undefined, 1 for High, 2 for Medium, 3 for Low;

·         Description.

Note: the header of the CSV import file is not necessary on the CSV file, and the fields not mandatory can be left blank in the CSV file.

Tip: to make your import task easier, you can do an export first in order to have the correct format of the CSV import file. You must create at least one requirement/user story before doing the export.


"code_1";"0";"Sample_requirement";"14/07/2022";"System";"2";"sample_category";"Description "


Available in: Enterprise Edition