Using command line to create documentation/ data dictionaries reports

You can automate the process of creating the documentation/data dictionary report using the command line provided by AbstraLinx.

For this, you will need to follow the steps described further in this topic.

1.       Open the command prompt by pressing WIN+R and type cmd in the text box.

2.       Change the path in your command prompt window to the path where the AbstraLinx console file is located. By default it is located in the AbstraLinx installation folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Soft-Builder\AbstraLinx\”. For this use the “cd” command as follow:

C:\Users\your_User>cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Soft-Builder\AbstraLinx \

Press ENTER to run the “cd” command.

3.       Now, you can call the AbstraLinx console file. The command must be formatted as follows:

a.       Documentation report command

Ablx.exe -documentation -name "your_connection_name"  -password "your_password" -out “specify output folder” -settingsfile "specify settings file path]" -ignorevalidationrules -ignoretriggers -ignoreclasses




How to use



This parameter specifies that the generated report is a documentation report



Specify here the connection name of the Salesforce org you want to use. The connection must be created before using AbstraLinx.



Specify the password for the Salesforce org associated with the previously specified connection.



Enter the path of the output folder where the report will be saved.



Set the path to the settings file that will be used for the generation process. The file is in extension .cfg.

To get this file open AbstraLinx then go to “Tools | Generate model documentation”. From here set the settings then click “Save settings”.



Use this parameter to exclude validation rules from the generated documentation report.



Use this parameter to exclude triggers from the generated documentation report.



Use this parameter to exclude Apex classes from the generated documentation report.




C:\Program Files (x86)\Soft-Builder\AbstraLinx Ablx.exe -documentation -name "your_connection_name"   -password "yourypassword" -out "F:\test_project\Documentation\"    -settingsfile "F:\test_project\configuration file.cfg"   -ignorevalidationrules


b.      Data dictionary command

Ablx.exe -datadictionary -name "your_connection_name"  -password "your_password" -out “specify output folder” - exporttype html  or CSV   -metadata [metadatavalues]   -picklistseparator [comma|semicolon|linebreak]




How to use



This parameter specifies that the generated report is a data dictionary report



Specify here the connection name of the Salesforce org you want to use. The connection must be created before using AbstraLinx.



Specify the password for the Salesforce org associated with the previously specified connection.



Enter the path of the output folder where the report will be saved.



Choose which format your report will be generated in. you can export in HTML or CSV format. Example: -- exporttype html.


If the parameter is not specified the format will be HTML.


This parameter is used to specify the separator for the CSV file generated. 

Separator values are: “comma, semicolon, space, tab”

Example:  -csvseparator semicolon



Use only if you choose CSV as export type.

-textdelimiter "single char"

Specify the text delimiter for the CSV file. Replace “single char” by a delimiter character you choose.



Use only if you choose CSV as export type.

-metadata “metadatavalues”

This parameter is used to choose which metadata will be exported.

Metadata valus are:
objectname, objectLabel, fieldname, fieldLabel, fieldtype, required, primarykey, foreignkey, referencedobject, description Picklistvalues, helptext.


Example: -metadata objectname, objectLabel



If not specified, all the metadata will be exported in the report.



-picklistseparator [comma|semicolon|linebreak]

Use this parameter to specify the picklist separator.

Picklist separator values: comma, semicolon, linebreak

Example: -picklistseparator linebreak




C:\Program Files (x86)\Soft-Builder\AbstraLinx Ablx.exe -datadictionary -name "your_connection_name"   -password "yourpassword" -out "F:\test_project\Data dictionary” –exporttype html   -metadata objectLabel, fieldLabel, fieldtype, picklistvalues    -picklistseparator linebreak


Available in: Enterprise Edition