Model documentation

To generate Model Documentation:

1.         Select “Tools | Generate model documentation” on the menu bar:




2.         A setting window will appear, containing three tabs:


-    Select a directory to save the model documentation.

-    You can check the ImagesDiagram to embed the diagram model image into the model documentation.

-   Select which diagrams you want to include in the generated documentation



        Elements to include: Check and select the elements you want to include in your documentation report.image

        Elements details to include: In this tab, select the details for each element that you included in your documentation report.


        You can check all elements of the treeview with the checkbox in the top right:               


        You can uncheck all elements of the treeview with the checkbox in the top right:


        You can save the settings to reuse them later in another project.

To save settings:

1.       Click on the “Save Settings” button, and name your settings file (*.CFG)


To load previously saved settings:

1.       Click on the “Load Settings” button, browse to your file (*.CFG) and open it.



Available in: Standard, Professional and Enterprise Editions