
Apex classe Details
Name Ctrl739_ComplexWork
Label FSL.Ctrl739_ComplexWork
Namespace Prefix FSL
Status Active
Api Version 61
Apex Code
This file is generated and isn't the actual source code for this
managed global class.
This read-only file shows the class's global constructors,
methods, variables, and properties.
To enable code to compile, all methods return null.
global class Ctrl739_ComplexWork {
    global static Map<String,List<Object>> addTimeDependency(Id serviceAppId, Id sa1, Id sa2, String dependency, Boolean sameResource) {
        return null;
    global static AsyncApexJob getAsyncApexJob(Id jobId) {
        return null;
    global static List<Object> getComplexWorkLookupFields(Id serviceId) {
        return null;
    global static Map<String,Object> getFslOperation(Long schedulingStartLong, Id opId) {
        return null;
    global static Map<String,List<Object>> getMstChain(Id serviceAppId) {
        return null;
    global static Integer getRelatedChainLength(Id serviceAppId) {
        return null;
    global static List<ServiceAppointment> getRelatedServicesByLookupFieldId(Id serviceId, String lookupField, Id lastId) {
        return null;
    global static List<ServiceAppointment> getRelatedServicesByLookupField(Id serviceId, String lookupField) {
        return null;
    global static Map<String,List<ServiceAppointment>> getRelatedServices(Id serviceAppId) {
        return null;
    global static List<FSL.FieldsSetUtils.FieldSetField> getServiceListFields() {
        return null;
    global static List<FSL.TimeDependencyUtils.SAWithLevel> getTree(Id serviceAppId) {
        return null;
    global static Map<String,List<Object>> removeTimeDependency(Id serviceAppId, Id timeDep) {
        return null;
    global static List<FSL.ScheduleResult> scheduleService2(Id service) {
        return null;
    global static Map<String,Object> scheduleService(Id service) {
        return null;