Sample Flow Report: Screen Flows |
flow_screen_prebuilt_report |
Which flows run, what’s the status of each interview, and how long do users take to complete the screens? |
Sample Report: Closed Sales |
SampleReportClosedSales |
How much business have I closed so far? |
Sample Report: Top Accounts |
SampleReportTopAccounts |
Which accounts are generating the most sales opportunities? |
Sample Report: Login Wall of Shame |
SampleReportLoginWallofShame |
Who is not logging in? |
Sample Report: Active Users |
SampleReportActiveUsers |
Who are my active users? |
Sample Report: Completed Activities |
SampleReportCompletedActivities |
How many activities are my users completing? |
Sample Report: # of Open Tasks |
SampleReportofOpenTasks |
How many open tasks do each of my users have? |
Sample Report: Pipeline By Close Month |
SampleReportPipelineByCloseMonth |
What pipeline do I have by close month? |
Sample Report: Month to Date Trending |
SampleReportMonthtoDateTrending |
How do sales this month correlate to prior months? |
Sample Report: Custom Reports by User |
SampleReportCustomReportsbyUser |
Who is creating custom reports? |
Sample Report: # of Reports |
SampleReportofReports |
How many custom reports have we added to Salesforce? |
Sample Report: # of Accounts |
SampleReportofAccounts |
How many accounts are being added to Salesforce? |
Sample Report: Solutions Added |
SampleReportSolutionsAdded |
How Many Solutions are Being Added to the Knowledgebase each Month? |
Sample Reports: Leads by Status |
SampleReportsLeadsbyStatus |
What is the status of leads created this quarter? |
Sample Report: # of Cases |
SampleReportofCases |
How many cases have been added to Salesforce? |
Sample Report: # of Contacts |
SampleReportofContacts |
How many contacts do we have in Salesforce? |
Sample Report: # of Solutions |
SampleReportofSolutions |
How many solutions have been added to Salesforce? |
Sample Report: # of Leads |
SampleReportofLeads |
How many leads have we added to Salesforce? |
Sample Report: # of Tasks and Activities |
SampleReportofTasksandActivities |
How many tasks and activies are being added to Salesforce? |
Sample Report: # of Opportunities |
SampleReportofOpportunities |
How many opportunities are being added to Salesforce? |
Sample Report: # of Documents |
SampleReportofDocuments |
How many documents have been added to Salesforce? |
Sample Report: Document Library |
SampleReportDocumentLibrary |
What documents are in the document library? |
Sample Report: Leads by Lead Source |
SampleReportLeadsbyLeadSource |
How many leads has each lead source generated for me? |
Sample Report: Sales Leaderboard |
SampleReportSalesLeaderboard |
Who are my top sales reps? |
Sample Report: Pipeline History |
SampleReportPipelineHistory |
What did the pipeline look like as of... |
Sample Report: Last Modified By |
SampleReportLastModifiedBy |
Who is tweaking custom reports? |
Sample Report: Open Deals |
SampleReportOpenDeals |
What deals have not closed yet? |
Sample Report: Cases Status by Rep |
SampleReportCasesStatusbyRep |
Who has the most open cases? |
Sample Report: Open Cases By Priority |
SampleReportOpenCasesByPriority |
How many open support cases do we have by priority? |
Sample Report: Sales Pipeline by Stage |
SampleReportSalesPipelinebyStage |
How much pipeline is at each sales stage? |
Sample Report: Login Leaderboard |
SampleReportLoginLeaderboard |
Who is logging in the most? |
Sample Report: Users Logged In |
SampleReportUsersLoggedIn |
Which of my users are logging? |
Sample Report: Orchestration Runs |
flow_orchestration_run_ootb_report_two_four_eight |
What orchestration runs have been created and what's the current status of each run? |
Sample Report: Orchestration Stage Runs |
flow_orchestration_stage_run_ootb_report_two_four_eight |
What orchestration stage runs have been created and what's the current status of each run? |
Sample Report: Orchestration Step Runs |
flow_orchestration_step_run_ootb_report_two_four_eight |
What orchestration step runs have been created and what's the current status of each run? |
Sample Report: Orchestration Work Items |
flow_orchestration_work_item_ootb_report_two_four_eight |
What orchestration work items were created and what's the current status of each work item? |
Sample Report: Orchestration Run Logs |
flow_orchestration_log_ootb_report_two_four_eight |
What orchestration run logs were created and what happened in their associated orchestration runs? |
Principales opportunités |
prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quelles sont les principales opportunités, triées par montant ? |
Chiffre d'affaires obtenu par trimestre |
prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quel est le chiffre d'affaires du trimestre dernier ? |
Opportunités ouvertes par étape |
prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quelles sont les opportunités ouvertes, regroupées par étape ? |
Taux de conversion des pistes |
prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quel est le pourcentage de pistes converties ? |
Opportunités ouvertes par partenaire |
prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quelles sont les opportunités ouvertes pendant le dernier trimestre ? |
Demandes de fonds partenaires approuvées |
prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quelles demandes de fonds de développement du marché ont été approuvées par les gestionnaires de canaux ? |
Réclamations de fonds partenaires ouvert |
prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quelles sont les réclamations de fonds de développement du marché ouvertes soumises par les partenaires ? |
Total du budget marketing des partenaire |
prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quels sont le montant et la date de création de chaque budget marketing partenaire, et quel est le total de tous les budgets ? Les budgets sont regroupés par compte partenaire. |
Réclamations de fonds partenaires approu |
prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quelles réclamations de fonds de développement du marché ont été approuvées par les gestionnaires de canaux ? |
Demandes de fonds partenaires ouvertes |
prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quelles sont les demandes de fonds de développement du marché ouvertes soumises par les partenaires ? |
Dernières connexions par partenaire à tr |
prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quelles sont les récentes connexions à travers tous les sites partenaires le mois dernier ? |
Connexions de partenaires par site |
prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1720458511263 |
Quel est l’historique de connexion de chaque site partenaire la semaine dernière ? |
Referrals by Insurance Type |
Referrals_by_Insurance_Type_CWH |
Referrals by Specialty |
Referrals_by_Specialty_qWv |
Referrals by Status |
Referrals_by_Status_JZ6 |
Top Referrers by Volume |
Referrals_by_Provider_Mek |
Referrals - Duration Submission to Close |
Duration_Submission_to_Close_M4g |
Top Referrers by Referrer Score |
Top_Referrers_by_Referrer_Score_N86 |
Lead conversion rate |
prm_lead_conversion |
What percentage of leads have been converted? |
Revenue Closed by Quarter |
prm_revenue_closed |
How much revenue was closed last quarter? |
Open Opportunities by Stage |
prm_open_opportunity_by_stage |
What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage? |
Open Opportunities by Partner |
prm_open_opportunity_by_partner |
What opportunities are open from the last quarter? |
Top Opportunities |
prm_opportunity_by_amount |
What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount? |
Weekly Workstream Utilization and Limit |
WorkStream_vs_Capacity_Limit_Monthly_V1 |
Identify weekly consumption trends by comparing the workstream usage per service territory to the work capacity limit. |
Workstream Utilization and Work Capacity |
WorkStream_vs_Capacity_Limit_V1 |
Compare the total daily workstream utilization to the daily work capacity limit. |
Workstream Utilization and Availability |
WorkStream_vs_Overall_Availability_V1 |
Compare the total daily workstream consumption to the daily work capacity availability. |
Weekly Workstream Util. and Availability |
WorkStream_vs_Availability_Monthly_V1_zd1 |
Identify weekly consumption trends by comparing the workstream usage to the work capacity availability for a service territory or all territories. |
Work Capacity Availability |
Work_Capacity_Availability |
Ability to analyze and measure availability of my workforce by reviewing daily availability of all Service Territories |
Work Capacity Availability by Territory |
Work_Capacity_Availability_by_Territory |
Ability to analyze and measure availability of my workforce by reviewing daily availability by Service Territory |
Approved Partner Fund Claims |
prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1701916956248 |
Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers? |
Approved Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1701916956248 |
Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Claims |
prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1701916956248 |
What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners? |
Total Partner Marketing Budget |
prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1701916956248 |
What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account. |
Open Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1701916956248 |
What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners? |
Partner Logins by Site |
prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1701916956248 |
What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week? |
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites |
prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1701916956248 |
What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month? |
Revenue Closed by Quarter |
prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1704166603428 |
How much revenue was closed last quarter? |
Open Opportunities by Stage |
prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1704166603428 |
What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage? |
Lead conversion rate |
prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1704166603428 |
What percentage of leads have been converted? |
Open Opportunities by Partner |
prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1704166603428 |
What opportunities are open from the last quarter? |
Top Opportunities |
prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1704166603428 |
What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount? |
Approved Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1704166603428 |
Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Claims |
prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1704166603428 |
What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners? |
Total Partner Marketing Budget |
prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1704166603428 |
What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account. |
Approved Partner Fund Claims |
prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1704166603428 |
Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1704166603428 |
What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners? |
Partner Logins by Site |
prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1704166603428 |
What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week? |
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites |
prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1704166603428 |
What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month? |
Revenue Closed by Quarter |
prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1706086719375 |
How much revenue was closed last quarter? |
Lead conversion rate |
prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1706086719375 |
What percentage of leads have been converted? |
Open Opportunities by Stage |
prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1706086719375 |
What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage? |
Open Opportunities by Partner |
prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1706086719375 |
What opportunities are open from the last quarter? |
Top Opportunities |
prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1706086719375 |
What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount? |
Approved Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1706086719375 |
Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Claims |
prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1706086719375 |
What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners? |
Total Partner Marketing Budget |
prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1706086719375 |
What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account. |
Approved Partner Fund Claims |
prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1706086719375 |
Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1706086719375 |
What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners? |
Partner Logins by Site |
prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1706086719375 |
What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week? |
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites |
prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1706086719375 |
What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month? |
Revenue Closed by Quarter |
prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1707980967137 |
How much revenue was closed last quarter? |
Lead conversion rate |
prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1707980967137 |
What percentage of leads have been converted? |
Open Opportunities by Stage |
prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1707980967137 |
What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage? |
Open Opportunities by Partner |
prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1707980967137 |
What opportunities are open from the last quarter? |
Top Opportunities |
prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1707980967137 |
What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount? |
Approved Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1707980967137 |
Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Claims |
prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1707980967137 |
What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners? |
Total Partner Marketing Budget |
prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1707980967137 |
What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account. |
Approved Partner Fund Claims |
prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1707980967137 |
Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1707980967137 |
What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners? |
Partner Logins by Site |
prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1707980967137 |
What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week? |
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites |
prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1707980967137 |
What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month? |
Revenue Closed by Quarter |
prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1712126337621 |
How much revenue was closed last quarter? |
Open Opportunities by Stage |
prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1712126337621 |
What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage? |
Lead conversion rate |
prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1712126337621 |
What percentage of leads have been converted? |
Open Opportunities by Partner |
prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1712126337621 |
What opportunities are open from the last quarter? |
Top Opportunities |
prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1712126337621 |
What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount? |
Approved Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1712126337621 |
Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Claims |
prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1712126337621 |
What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners? |
Total Partner Marketing Budget |
prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1712126337621 |
What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account. |
Approved Partner Fund Claims |
prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1712126337621 |
Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1712126337621 |
What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners? |
Partner Logins by Site |
prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1712126337621 |
What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week? |
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites |
prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1712126337621 |
What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month? |
Approved Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1714117821984 |
Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Claims |
prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1714117821984 |
What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners? |
Total Partner Marketing Budget |
prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1714117821984 |
What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account. |
Approved Partner Fund Claims |
prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1714117821984 |
Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1714117821984 |
What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners? |
Partner Logins by Site |
prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1714117821984 |
What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week? |
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites |
prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1714117821984 |
What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month? |
Top Opportunities |
prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1715755460060 |
What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount? |
Revenue Closed by Quarter |
prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1715755460060 |
How much revenue was closed last quarter? |
Lead conversion rate |
prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1715755460060 |
What percentage of leads have been converted? |
Open Opportunities by Stage |
prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1715755460060 |
What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage? |
Open Opportunities by Partner |
prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1715755460060 |
What opportunities are open from the last quarter? |
Approved Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1715755460060 |
Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Claims |
prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1715755460060 |
What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners? |
Total Partner Marketing Budget |
prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1715755460060 |
What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account. |
Approved Partner Fund Claims |
prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1715755460060 |
Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers? |
Open Partner Fund Requests |
prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1715755460060 |
What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners? |
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites |
prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1715755460060 |
What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month? |
Partner Logins by Site |
prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1715755460060 |
What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week? |