
Name Unique Name Description
Sample Flow Report: Screen Flows flow_screen_prebuilt_report Which flows run, what’s the status of each interview, and how long do users take to complete the screens?
Sample Report: Closed Sales SampleReportClosedSales How much business have I closed so far?
Sample Report: Top Accounts SampleReportTopAccounts Which accounts are generating the most sales opportunities?
Sample Report: Login Wall of Shame SampleReportLoginWallofShame Who is not logging in?
Sample Report: Active Users SampleReportActiveUsers Who are my active users?
Sample Report: Completed Activities SampleReportCompletedActivities How many activities are my users completing?
Sample Report: # of Open Tasks SampleReportofOpenTasks How many open tasks do each of my users have?
Sample Report: Pipeline By Close Month SampleReportPipelineByCloseMonth What pipeline do I have by close month?
Sample Report: Month to Date Trending SampleReportMonthtoDateTrending How do sales this month correlate to prior months?
Sample Report: Custom Reports by User SampleReportCustomReportsbyUser Who is creating custom reports?
Sample Report: # of Reports SampleReportofReports How many custom reports have we added to Salesforce?
Sample Report: # of Accounts SampleReportofAccounts How many accounts are being added to Salesforce?
Sample Report: Solutions Added SampleReportSolutionsAdded How Many Solutions are Being Added to the Knowledgebase each Month?
Sample Reports: Leads by Status SampleReportsLeadsbyStatus What is the status of leads created this quarter?
Sample Report: # of Cases SampleReportofCases How many cases have been added to Salesforce?
Sample Report: # of Contacts SampleReportofContacts How many contacts do we have in Salesforce?
Sample Report: # of Solutions SampleReportofSolutions How many solutions have been added to Salesforce?
Sample Report: # of Leads SampleReportofLeads How many leads have we added to Salesforce?
Sample Report: # of Tasks and Activities SampleReportofTasksandActivities How many tasks and activies are being added to Salesforce?
Sample Report: # of Opportunities SampleReportofOpportunities How many opportunities are being added to Salesforce?
Sample Report: # of Documents SampleReportofDocuments How many documents have been added to Salesforce?
Sample Report: Document Library SampleReportDocumentLibrary What documents are in the document library?
Sample Report: Leads by Lead Source SampleReportLeadsbyLeadSource How many leads has each lead source generated for me?
Sample Report: Sales Leaderboard SampleReportSalesLeaderboard Who are my top sales reps?
Sample Report: Pipeline History SampleReportPipelineHistory What did the pipeline look like as of...
Sample Report: Last Modified By SampleReportLastModifiedBy Who is tweaking custom reports?
Sample Report: Open Deals SampleReportOpenDeals What deals have not closed yet?
Sample Report: Cases Status by Rep SampleReportCasesStatusbyRep Who has the most open cases?
Sample Report: Open Cases By Priority SampleReportOpenCasesByPriority How many open support cases do we have by priority?
Sample Report: Sales Pipeline by Stage SampleReportSalesPipelinebyStage How much pipeline is at each sales stage?
Sample Report: Login Leaderboard SampleReportLoginLeaderboard Who is logging in the most?
Sample Report: Users Logged In SampleReportUsersLoggedIn Which of my users are logging?
Sample Report: Orchestration Runs flow_orchestration_run_ootb_report_two_four_eight What orchestration runs have been created and what's the current status of each run?
Sample Report: Orchestration Stage Runs flow_orchestration_stage_run_ootb_report_two_four_eight What orchestration stage runs have been created and what's the current status of each run?
Sample Report: Orchestration Step Runs flow_orchestration_step_run_ootb_report_two_four_eight What orchestration step runs have been created and what's the current status of each run?
Sample Report: Orchestration Work Items flow_orchestration_work_item_ootb_report_two_four_eight What orchestration work items were created and what's the current status of each work item?
Sample Report: Orchestration Run Logs flow_orchestration_log_ootb_report_two_four_eight What orchestration run logs were created and what happened in their associated orchestration runs?
Principales opportunités prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1720458511263 Quelles sont les principales opportunités, triées par montant ?
Chiffre d'affaires obtenu par trimestre prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1720458511263 Quel est le chiffre d'affaires du trimestre dernier ?
Opportunités ouvertes par étape prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1720458511263 Quelles sont les opportunités ouvertes, regroupées par étape ?
Taux de conversion des pistes prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1720458511263 Quel est le pourcentage de pistes converties ?
Opportunités ouvertes par partenaire prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1720458511263 Quelles sont les opportunités ouvertes pendant le dernier trimestre ?
Demandes de fonds partenaires approuvées prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1720458511263 Quelles demandes de fonds de développement du marché ont été approuvées par les gestionnaires de canaux ?
Réclamations de fonds partenaires ouvert prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1720458511263 Quelles sont les réclamations de fonds de développement du marché ouvertes soumises par les partenaires ?
Total du budget marketing des partenaire prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1720458511263 Quels sont le montant et la date de création de chaque budget marketing partenaire, et quel est le total de tous les budgets ? Les budgets sont regroupés par compte partenaire.
Réclamations de fonds partenaires approu prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1720458511263 Quelles réclamations de fonds de développement du marché ont été approuvées par les gestionnaires de canaux ?
Demandes de fonds partenaires ouvertes prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1720458511263 Quelles sont les demandes de fonds de développement du marché ouvertes soumises par les partenaires ?
Dernières connexions par partenaire à tr prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1720458511263 Quelles sont les récentes connexions à travers tous les sites partenaires le mois dernier ?
Connexions de partenaires par site prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1720458511263 Quel est l’historique de connexion de chaque site partenaire la semaine dernière ?
Referrals by Insurance Type Referrals_by_Insurance_Type_CWH
Referrals by Specialty Referrals_by_Specialty_qWv
Referrals by Status Referrals_by_Status_JZ6
Top Referrers by Volume Referrals_by_Provider_Mek
Referrals - Duration Submission to Close Duration_Submission_to_Close_M4g
Top Referrers by Referrer Score Top_Referrers_by_Referrer_Score_N86
Lead conversion rate prm_lead_conversion What percentage of leads have been converted?
Revenue Closed by Quarter prm_revenue_closed How much revenue was closed last quarter?
Open Opportunities by Stage prm_open_opportunity_by_stage What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage?
Open Opportunities by Partner prm_open_opportunity_by_partner What opportunities are open from the last quarter?
Top Opportunities prm_opportunity_by_amount What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount?
Weekly Workstream Utilization and Limit WorkStream_vs_Capacity_Limit_Monthly_V1 Identify weekly consumption trends by comparing the workstream usage per service territory to the work capacity limit.
Workstream Utilization and Work Capacity WorkStream_vs_Capacity_Limit_V1 Compare the total daily workstream utilization to the daily work capacity limit.
Workstream Utilization and Availability WorkStream_vs_Overall_Availability_V1 Compare the total daily workstream consumption to the daily work capacity availability.
Weekly Workstream Util. and Availability WorkStream_vs_Availability_Monthly_V1_zd1 Identify weekly consumption trends by comparing the workstream usage to the work capacity availability for a service territory or all territories.
Work Capacity Availability Work_Capacity_Availability Ability to analyze and measure availability of my workforce by reviewing daily availability of all Service Territories
Work Capacity Availability by Territory Work_Capacity_Availability_by_Territory Ability to analyze and measure availability of my workforce by reviewing daily availability by Service Territory
Approved Partner Fund Claims prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1701916956248 Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers?
Approved Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1701916956248 Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Claims prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1701916956248 What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners?
Total Partner Marketing Budget prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1701916956248 What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account.
Open Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1701916956248 What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners?
Partner Logins by Site prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1701916956248 What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week?
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1701916956248 What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month?
Revenue Closed by Quarter prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1704166603428 How much revenue was closed last quarter?
Open Opportunities by Stage prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1704166603428 What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage?
Lead conversion rate prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1704166603428 What percentage of leads have been converted?
Open Opportunities by Partner prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1704166603428 What opportunities are open from the last quarter?
Top Opportunities prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1704166603428 What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount?
Approved Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1704166603428 Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Claims prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1704166603428 What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners?
Total Partner Marketing Budget prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1704166603428 What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account.
Approved Partner Fund Claims prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1704166603428 Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1704166603428 What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners?
Partner Logins by Site prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1704166603428 What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week?
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1704166603428 What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month?
Revenue Closed by Quarter prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1706086719375 How much revenue was closed last quarter?
Lead conversion rate prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1706086719375 What percentage of leads have been converted?
Open Opportunities by Stage prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1706086719375 What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage?
Open Opportunities by Partner prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1706086719375 What opportunities are open from the last quarter?
Top Opportunities prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1706086719375 What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount?
Approved Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1706086719375 Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Claims prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1706086719375 What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners?
Total Partner Marketing Budget prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1706086719375 What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account.
Approved Partner Fund Claims prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1706086719375 Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1706086719375 What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners?
Partner Logins by Site prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1706086719375 What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week?
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1706086719375 What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month?
Revenue Closed by Quarter prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1707980967137 How much revenue was closed last quarter?
Lead conversion rate prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1707980967137 What percentage of leads have been converted?
Open Opportunities by Stage prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1707980967137 What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage?
Open Opportunities by Partner prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1707980967137 What opportunities are open from the last quarter?
Top Opportunities prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1707980967137 What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount?
Approved Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1707980967137 Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Claims prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1707980967137 What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners?
Total Partner Marketing Budget prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1707980967137 What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account.
Approved Partner Fund Claims prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1707980967137 Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1707980967137 What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners?
Partner Logins by Site prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1707980967137 What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week?
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1707980967137 What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month?
Revenue Closed by Quarter prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1712126337621 How much revenue was closed last quarter?
Open Opportunities by Stage prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1712126337621 What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage?
Lead conversion rate prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1712126337621 What percentage of leads have been converted?
Open Opportunities by Partner prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1712126337621 What opportunities are open from the last quarter?
Top Opportunities prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1712126337621 What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount?
Approved Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1712126337621 Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Claims prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1712126337621 What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners?
Total Partner Marketing Budget prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1712126337621 What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account.
Approved Partner Fund Claims prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1712126337621 Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1712126337621 What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners?
Partner Logins by Site prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1712126337621 What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week?
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1712126337621 What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month?
Approved Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1714117821984 Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Claims prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1714117821984 What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners?
Total Partner Marketing Budget prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1714117821984 What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account.
Approved Partner Fund Claims prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1714117821984 Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1714117821984 What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners?
Partner Logins by Site prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1714117821984 What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week?
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1714117821984 What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month?
Top Opportunities prm_opportunity_by_amountSPLIT1715755460060 What are the top opportunities, sorted by amount?
Revenue Closed by Quarter prm_revenue_closedSPLIT1715755460060 How much revenue was closed last quarter?
Lead conversion rate prm_lead_conversionSPLIT1715755460060 What percentage of leads have been converted?
Open Opportunities by Stage prm_open_opportunity_by_stageSPLIT1715755460060 What are the open opportunities, grouped by stage?
Open Opportunities by Partner prm_open_opportunity_by_partnerSPLIT1715755460060 What opportunities are open from the last quarter?
Approved Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_approved_request_by_partnerSPLIT1715755460060 Which market development fund requests were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Claims prm_submitted_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1715755460060 What are the open market development fund claims submitted by partners?
Total Partner Marketing Budget prm_total_marketing_budgetSPLIT1715755460060 What is the amount and creation date for each of my partner marketing budgets, and what's the total of all budgets? Budgets are grouped by partner account.
Approved Partner Fund Claims prm_approved_claim_by_partnerSPLIT1715755460060 Which market development fund claims were approved by channel managers?
Open Partner Fund Requests prm_mdf_submitted_request_by_partnerSPLIT1715755460060 What are the open market development fund requests submitted by partners?
Last Logins by Partner Across All Sites prm_unique_portal_login_reportSPLIT1715755460060 What are the most recent logins across all of my partner sites last month?
Partner Logins by Site prm_total_portal_login_reportSPLIT1715755460060 What's the login history for each of my partner sites last week?