
Name Label Type Deployed Description
Account Account Standard Object
AccountAccountRelation Account Account Relationship Standard Object
AccountBrand Account Brand Standard Object
AccountContactRelation Account Contact Relationship Standard Object
AccountForecast Account Forecast Standard Object
AccountForecastAdjustment Account Forecast Adjustment Standard Object
AccountForecastPeriodMetric Account Forecast Period Metric Standard Object
AccountProductForecast Account Product Forecast Standard Object
AccountProductPeriodForecast Account Product Period Forecast Standard Object
AccountServicePreference Account Service Preference Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__AccountAccountRelation__c Account-Account Relationship Custom Object A relationship between two accounts, such as between a household and a business account.
Accreditation Accreditation Standard Object
ActionPlan Action Plan Standard Object
ActionPlanTemplate Action Plan Template Standard Object
ActionPlanTemplateAssignment Action Plan Template Assignment Standard Object
ActionPlanTemplateItem Action Plan Template Item Standard Object
ActionPlnTmplItmDependency Action Plan Template Item Dependency Standard Object
ActionPlanTemplateItemValue Action Plan Template Item Value Standard Object
ActionPlanTemplateVersion Action Plan Template Version Standard Object
ActionVisibility Action Visibility Standard Object
MarketSegmentActivation Activation Standard Object
ActivationTarget Activation Target Standard Object
ActivityTiming Activity Timing Standard Object
Address Address Standard Object
AdvAccountForecastFact Advanced Account Forecast Fact Standard Object
AdvAcctForecastFactAdj Advanced Account Forecast Fact Adjustment Standard Object
AdvAcctForecastSetPartner Advanced Account Forecast Set Partner Standard Object
AdvAcctForecastSetUse Advanced Account Forecast Set Use Standard Object
AdvTherapyFieldOptOverride Advanced Therapy Field Optionality Override Standard Object
AgeBandHlthRskAdjFctr Age Band Health Risk Adjustment Factor Standard Object
AllergyIntolerance Allergy Intolerance Standard Object
Apheresis_Collection__c Apheresis Collection Custom Object
UserAppMenuItem Application Standard Object
ApplicationCase Application Case Standard Object
ApptBundleAggrDurDnscale Appointment Bundle Aggregation Duration Downscale Standard Object
ApptBundleAggrPolicy Appointment Bundle Aggregation Policy Standard Object
ApptBundleConfig Appointment Bundle Config Standard Object
ApptBundlePolicy Appointment Bundle Policy Standard Object
ApptBundlePolicySvcTerr Appointment Bundle Policy Service Territory Standard Object
ApptBundlePropagatePolicy Appointment Bundle Propagation Policy Standard Object
ApptBundleRestrictPolicy Appointment Bundle Restriction Policy Standard Object
ApptBundleSortPolicy Appointment Bundle Sort Policy Standard Object
AppointmentCategory Appointment Category Standard Object
FSL__Time_Dependency__c Appointment Dependency Custom Object
AppointmentInvitation Appointment Invitation Standard Object
AppointmentInvitee Appointment Invitee Standard Object
AppointmentReason Appointment Reason Standard Object
ApptReasonEngmtChannelType Appointment Reason Engagement Channel Type Standard Object
AppointmentTopicTimeSlot Appointment Topic Time Slot Standard Object
Assessment Assessment Standard Object
AssessmentEnvelope Assessment Envelope Standard Object
AssessmentEnvelopeItem Assessment Envelope Item Standard Object
AssessmentIndicatorDefinition Assessment Indicator Definition Standard Object
AssessmentQuestion Assessment Question Standard Object
AssessmentQuestionAssignment Assessment Question Assignment Standard Object
AssessmentQuestionResponse Assessment Question Response Standard Object
AsmtQstnRespRecommendation Assessment Question Response Recommendation Standard Object
AssessmentQuestionSet Assessment Question Set Standard Object
AssessmentQuestionVersion Assessment Question Version Standard Object
AssessmentSignature Assessment Signature Standard Object
AssessmentTask Assessment Task Standard Object
AssessmentTaskContentDocument Assessment Task Content Document Standard Object
AssessmentTaskDefinition Assessment Task Definition Standard Object
AssessmentTaskIndDefinition Assessment Task Indicator Definition Standard Object
AssessmentTaskOrder Assessment Task Order Standard Object
Asset Asset Standard Object
AssetAccountParticipant Asset Account Participant Standard Object
AssetAttribute Asset Attribute Standard Object
AssetContactParticipant Asset Contact Participant Standard Object
AssetDowntimePeriod Asset Downtime Period Standard Object
AssetRelationship Asset Relationship Standard Object
AssetWarranty Asset Warranty Standard Object
AssignedResource Assigned Resource Standard Object
AssociatedLocation Associated Location Standard Object
AsyncOperationTracker Async Operation Tracker Standard Object
AttributeCategory Attribute Category Standard Object
AttributeCategoryAttribute Attribute Category Attribute Standard Object
AttributeDefinition Attribute Definition Standard Object
AttributePicklist Attribute Picklist Standard Object
AttrPicklistExcludedValue Attribute Picklist Excluded Value Standard Object
AttributePicklistValue Attribute Picklist Value Standard Object
AuthorNote Author Note Standard Object
AuthFormRequestRecord Authorizable Form Request Record Standard Object
AuthorizationForm Authorization Form Standard Object
AuthorizationFormConsent Authorization Form Consent Standard Object
AuthorizationFormDataUse Authorization Form Data Use Standard Object
AuthorizationFormText Authorization Form Text Standard Object
AuthorizedInsuranceLine Authorized Insurance Line Standard Object
Award Award Standard Object
BackgroundOperation Background Operation Standard Object
WorkBadgeDefinition Badge Standard Object
BatchJob Batch Job Standard Object
BatchJobPart Batch Job Part Standard Object
BatchJobPartFailedRecord Batch Job Part Failed Record Standard Object
BoardCertification Board Certification Standard Object
BrowserPolicyViolation Browser Policy Violation Standard Object
BundledCareFeeAgreement Bundled Care Fee Agreement Standard Object
BusinessBrand Business Brand Standard Object
BusinessLicense Business License Standard Object
BusinessMilestone Business Milestone Standard Object
BusinessProfile Business Profile Standard Object
MktCalculatedInsight Calculated Insight Standard Object
CalculationProcedure Calculation Procedure Standard Object
CalculationProcedureStep Calculation Procedure Step Standard Object
CalculationProcedureVariable Calculation Procedure Variable Standard Object
CalculationProcedureVersion Calculation Procedure Version Standard Object
Campaign Campaign Standard Object
CampaignMember Campaign Member Standard Object
CampaignMemberStatus Campaign Member Status Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__CandidatePatient__c Candidate Patient Custom Object
CapitationCareFeeAgreement Capitation Care Fee Agreement Standard Object
CareBarrier Care Barrier Standard Object
CareBarrierDeterminant Care Barrier Determinant Standard Object
CareBarrierType Care Barrier Type Standard Object
CareBenefitVerifyRequest Care Benefit Verify Request Standard Object
CareDeterminant Care Determinant Standard Object
CareDeterminantType Care Determinant Type Standard Object
CareDiagnosis Care Diagnosis Standard Object
CareEpisode Care Episode Standard Object
CareEpisodeDetail Care Episode Detail Standard Object
CareFacilityBed Care Facility Bed Standard Object
CareFeeScheduleItem Care Fee Schedule Item Standard Object
CareGap Care Gap Standard Object
CareGapCriteriaResult Care Gap Criteria Result Standard Object
CareInterventionType Care Intervention Type Standard Object
CareMetricTarget Care Metric Target Standard Object
CareObservation Care Observation Standard Object
CareObservationComponent Care Observation Component Standard Object
CarePerformer Care Performer Standard Object
CarePlan Care Plan Standard Object
CarePlanActivity Care Plan Activity Standard Object
CarePlanActivityDetail Care Plan Activity Detail Standard Object
CarePlanDetail Care Plan Detail Standard Object
CarePlanTemplate Care Plan Template Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__CarePlanTemplate__c Care Plan Template Custom Object
CarePlanTemplateGoal Care Plan Template Goal Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__CarePlanTemplateGoal__c Care Plan Template Goal Custom Object
CarePlanTemplateProblem Care Plan Template Problem Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__CarePlanTemplateProblem__c Care Plan Template Problem Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__CarePlanTemplateTask__c Care Plan Template Task Custom Object
CarePreauth Care Preauth Standard Object
CarePreauthItem Care Preauth Item Standard Object
CareProcessingError Care Processing Error Standard Object
CareProgram Care Program Standard Object
CareProgramCampaign Care Program Campaign Standard Object
CareProgramDetail Care Program Detail Standard Object
CareProgramEligibilityRule Care Program Eligibility Rule Standard Object
CareProgramEnrollee Care Program Enrollee Standard Object
CareProgramEnrolleeProduct Care Program Enrollee Product Standard Object
CarePgmEnrolleeWorkOrder Care Program Enrollee Work Order Standard Object
CarePgmEnrolleeWkOrdStep Care Program Enrollee Work Order Step Standard Object
CareProgramEnrollmentCard Care Program Enrollment Card Standard Object
CareProgramGoal Care Program Goal Standard Object
CarePgmProvHealthcareProvider Care Program Healthcare Provider Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__CareProgramPlanTemplate__c Care Program Plan Template Custom Object
CareProgramProduct Care Program Product Standard Object
CareProgramProvider Care Program Provider Standard Object
CareProgramTeamMember Care Program Team Member Standard Object
CareProviderAdverseAction Care Provider Adverse Action Standard Object
CareProviderFacilitySpecialty Care Provider Facility Specialty Standard Object
CareProviderSearchableField Care Provider Searchable Field Standard Object
CareRegisteredDevice Care Registered Device Standard Object
CareRequest Care Request Standard Object
CareRequestDrug Care Request Drug Standard Object
CareRequestExtension Care Request Extension Standard Object
CareRequestItem Care Request Item Standard Object
CareRequestReviewer Care Request Reviewer Standard Object
CareService Care Service Standard Object
CareServiceVisit Care Service Visit Standard Object
CareServiceVisitPlan Care Service Visit Plan Standard Object
CareSpecialty Care Specialty Standard Object
CareSpecialtyTaxonomy Care Specialty Taxonomy Standard Object
CareTask Care Task Standard Object
CareTaskDetail Care Task Detail Standard Object
CareTaxonomy Care Taxonomy Standard Object
Case Case Standard Object
CaseGatewayRequest Case Gateway Request Standard Object
CaseMilestone Case Milestone Standard Object
CaseParticipant Case Participant Standard Object
CaseRelatedIssue Case Related Issue Standard Object
ProductCatalog Catalog Standard Object
CategorizedCareFeeAgreement Categorized Care Fee Agreement Standard Object
ProductCategory Category Standard Object
ChangeRequest Change Request Standard Object
ChangeRequestRelatedIssue Change Request Related Issue Standard Object
ChangeRequestRelatedItem Change Request Related Item Standard Object
ChannelProgram Channel Program Standard Object
ChannelProgramLevel Channel Program Level Standard Object
ChannelProgramMember Channel Program Member Standard Object
Claim Claim Standard Object
ClaimCoverage Claim Coverage Standard Object
ClaimDiagnosis__x Claim Diagnosis External Object
ClaimDiagnosisProcedure__x Claim Diagnosis Procedure External Object
ClaimHeader__x Claim Header External Object
ClaimItem Claim Item Standard Object
ClaimLine__x Claim Line External Object
ClaimParticipant Claim Participant Standard Object
ClaimPaymentSummary Claim Payment Summary Standard Object
ClaimProvider__x Claim Provider External Object
ClaimTeamMember Claim Team Member Standard Object
ClinicalAlert Clinical Alert Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__Clinical_Assessment_Response__c Clinical Assessment Response Custom Object
ClinicalDetectedIssue Clinical Detected Issue Standard Object
ClinicalDetectedIssueDetail Clinical Detected Issue Detail Standard Object
ClinicalEncounter Clinical Encounter Standard Object
ClinicalEncounterDiagnosis Clinical Encounter Diagnosis Standard Object
ClinicalEncounterFacility Clinical Encounter Facility Standard Object
ClinicalEncounterIdentifier Clinical Encounter Identifier Standard Object
ClinicalEncounterProvider Clinical Encounter Provider Standard Object
ClinicalEncounterReason Clinical Encounter Reason Standard Object
ClinicalEncounterSvcRequest Clinical Encounter Svc Request Standard Object
ClinicalMeasure Clinical Measure Standard Object
ClinicalMeasureCriteria Clinical Measure Criteria Standard Object
ClinicalMeasureCriteriaGrp Clinical Measure Criteria Group Standard Object
ClinicalServiceRequest Clinical Service Request Standard Object
ClinicalServiceRequestDetail Clinical Service Request Detail Standard Object
CodeSet Code Set Standard Object
CodeSetBundle Code Set Bundle Standard Object
CollaborationRoom Collaboration Room Standard Object
CommSubscription Communication Subscription Standard Object
CommSubscriptionChannelType Communication Subscription Channel Type Standard Object
CommSubscriptionConsent Communication Subscription Consent Standard Object
CommSubscriptionTiming Communication Subscription Timing Standard Object
CondIntrctnHlthRskAdjFctr Condition Interaction Health Risk Adjustment Factor Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__ConditionToHCCCodeMapping__c Condition to HCC Code Mapping Custom Object
Contact Contact Standard Object
ContactContactRelation Contact Contact Relationship Standard Object
ContactEncounter Contact Encounter Standard Object
ContactEncounterParticipant Contact Encounter Participant Standard Object
ContactPointAddress Contact Point Address Standard Object
ContactPointConsent Contact Point Consent Standard Object
ContactPointEmail Contact Point Email Standard Object
ContactPointPhone Contact Point Phone Standard Object
ContactPointTypeConsent Contact Point Type Consent Standard Object
ContactProfile Contact Profile Standard Object
ContactRequest Contact Request Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__ContactContactRelation__c Contact-Contact Relationship Custom Object A relationship between any two individuals.
ContentVersion Content Version Standard Object
Contract Contract Standard Object
ContractGroupPlan Contract Group Plan Standard Object
ContractGroupPlanGroupClass Contract Group Plan Group Class Standard Object
ContractLineItem Contract Line Item Standard Object
ContractLineOutcome Contract Line Outcome Standard Object
ContractLineOutcomeData Contract Line Outcome Data Standard Object
ContractPaymentAgreement Contract Payment Agreement Standard Object
CoverageBenefit Coverage Benefit Standard Object
CoverageBenefitItem Coverage Benefit Item Standard Object
CoverageBenefitItemLimit Coverage Benefit Item Limit Standard Object
FSL__Crew_Management_User_Settings__c Crew Management User Settings Custom Object
FSL__Crew_Management_User_Settings_Territory__c Crew Management User Settings Territory Custom Object
FSL__Criteria__c Criteria Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__CrossObjectRelationship__c Cross Object Relationship Custom Object
CustodyChainEntry Custody Chain Entry Standard Object
CustodyItem Custody Item Standard Object
CustodyVerfcTypeOverride Custody Verification Type Override Standard Object
Customer Customer Standard Object
CustomerProperty Customer Property Standard Object
DataAction Data Action Standard Object
DataActionTarget Data Action Target Standard Object
DataGraph Data Graph Standard Object
DataLakeObjectInstance Data Lake Object Standard Object
omnistudio__DRBulkData__c Data Mapper Bulk Data Custom Object Vlocity interface object used to temporarily store bulk JSON data while it is in the process of being imported via Data Mapper.
ExtDataShare Data Share Standard Object
ExtDataShareTarget Data Share Target Standard Object
DataStream Data Stream Standard Object
MktDataTransform Data Transform Standard Object
DataUseLegalBasis Data Use Legal Basis Standard Object
DataUsePurpose Data Use Purpose Standard Object
CalculationMatrix Decision Matrix Standard Object
CalculationMatrixColumn Decision Matrix Column Standard Object
CalcMatrixColumnRange Decision Matrix Column Range Standard Object
CalculationMatrixRow Decision Matrix Row Standard Object
CalculationMatrixVersion Decision Matrix Version Standard Object
DiagnosticSummary Diagnostic Summary Standard Object
DiagnosticSummaryDetail Diagnostic Summary Detail Standard Object
DigitalVerification Digital Verification Standard Object
DigitalVerificationSetup Digital Verification Setup Standard Object
DigitalVerfSetupDetail Digital Verification Setup Detail Standard Object
DistributorAuthorization Distributor Authorization Standard Object
DocumentCategory Document Category Standard Object
DocumentChecklistItem Document Checklist Item Standard Object
DocumentDecisionRequirement Document Decision Requirement Standard Object
DocumentEnvelope Document Envelope Standard Object
DocumentGenerationProcess Document Generation Process Standard Object
DocGenerationQueryResult Document Generation Query Result Standard Object
DocumentRecipient Document Recipient Standard Object
DocumentTemplate Document Template Standard Object
DocumentTemplateContentDoc Document Template Content Document Standard Object
DocumentTemplateSection Document Template Section Standard Object
DocTemplateSectionCondition Document Template Section Condition Standard Object
DocumentTemplateToken Document Template Token Standard Object
DocumentType Document Type Standard Object
DuplicateRecordItem Duplicate Record Item Standard Object
DuplicateRecordSet Duplicate Record Set Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrAllergyIntolerance__c EHR Allergy Intolerance Custom Object Indicates the patient has a susceptibility to an adverse reaction upon exposure to a specified substance.
HealthCloudGA__EhrCarePlan__c EHR Care Plan Custom Object Describes the intention of how one or more practitioners intend to deliver care for a particular patient for a period of time, possibly limited to care for a specific condition or set of conditions.
HealthCloudGA__EhrCarePlanActivity__c EHR Care Plan Activity Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrCarePlanConcern__c EHR Care Plan Concern Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrCarePlanGoal__c EHR Care Plan Goal Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrCarePlanParticipant__c EHR Care Plan Participant Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrCondition__c EHR Condition Custom Object Use to record detailed information about conditions, problems or diagnoses recognized by a clinician. There are many uses including: recording a Diagnosis during an Encounter; populating a problem List or a Summary Statement, such as a Discharge Summary.
HealthCloudGA__EhrConditionRelatedItem__c EHR Condition Related Item Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrDevice__c EHR Device Custom Object An instance of a manufactured thing that is used in the provision of healthcare without being substantially changed through that activity. The device may be a machine, an insert, a computer, an application, etc. This includes durable (reusable) medical equipment as well as disposable equipment used for diagnostic, treatment, and research for healthcare and public health.
HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c EHR Dosage Instruction Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrEncounter__c EHR Encounter Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrEncounterAccomodation__c EHR Encounter Accommodation Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrEncounterParticipant__c EHR Encounter Participant Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrImmunization__c EHR Immunization Custom Object Immunization event information.
HealthCloudGA__EhrImmunizationReaction__c EHR Immunization Reaction Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrMedicationPrescription__c EHR Medication Prescription Custom Object An order for both supply of the medication and the instructions for administration of the medicine to a patient.
HealthCloudGA__EhrMedicationStatement__c EHR Medication Statement Custom Object A record of medication being taken by a patient, or that the medication has been given to a patient where the record is the result of a report from the patient or another clinician.
HealthCloudGA__EhrObservation__c EHR Observation Custom Object Measurements and simple assertions made about a patient, device or other subject
HealthCloudGA__EhrPatient__c EHR Patient Custom Object Demographics and other administrative information about a person or animal receiving care or other health-related services.
HealthCloudGA__EhrPatientCareProvider__c EHR Patient Care Provider Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrPatientContact__c EHR Patient Contact Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrPractitioner__c EHR Practitioner Custom Object A person who is directly or indirectly involved in the provisioning of healthcare
HealthCloudGA__EhrPractitionerIdentity__c EHR Practitioner Identity Custom Object Defines external identities for a practitioner such as license and regional Identifiers
HealthCloudGA__EhrPractitionerQualification__c EHR Practitioner Qualification Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrPractitionerRole__c EHR Practitioner Role Custom Object Roles which this practitioner may perform for a given time period
HealthCloudGA__EHRProcedure__c EHR Procedure Custom Object An action that is or was performed on a patient. This can be a physical intervention like an operation, or less invasive like counseling or hypnother.`
HealthCloudGA__EHRProcedurePerformer__c EHR Procedure Performer Custom Object Junction object between EHR Procedure and EHR Practitioner. Used to identify the practitioners that were involved in a procedure and the role they played.
HealthCloudGA__EHRProcedureRequest__c EHR Procedure Request Custom Object A Procedure Request is a record of a request for a procedure to be performed. It can be used to represent a procedure that is planned, that is proposed, or that is ordered, as distinguished by the value of the ProcedureRequestStatus field.
HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedObservation__c EHR Related Observation Custom Object Observations related to a parent observation.
HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c EHR Related Person Custom Object Information about a person that is involved in the care for a patient, but who is not the target of healthcare, nor has a formal responsibility in the care process.
HealthCloudGA__EhrVaccinationProtocol__c EHR Vaccination Protocol Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrVirtualDevice__c EHR Virtual Device Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__EhrVirtualDeviceChannel__c EHR Virtual Device Channel Custom Object
EmailMessage Email Message Standard Object
ProfileSkillEndorsement Endorsement Standard Object
EngagementAttendee Engagement Attendee Standard Object
EngagementChannelType Engagement Channel Type Standard Object
EngagementChannelWorkType Engagement Channel Work Type Standard Object
EngagementInteraction Engagement Interaction Standard Object
EngagementTopic Engagement Topic Standard Object
EnhancedLetterhead Enhanced Letterhead Standard Object
EnrollmentEligibilityCriteria Enrollment Eligibility Criteria Standard Object
Entitlement Entitlement Standard Object
DataQueryWorkspaceTab Entity Standard Object
Event Event Standard Object
Expense Expense Standard Object
ExpenseReport Expense Report Standard Object
ExpenseReportEntry Expense Report Entry Standard Object
ExpressionSet Expression Set Standard Object
CalcProcStepRelationship Expression Set Step Relationship Standard Object
ExpressionSetVersion Expression Set Version Standard Object
ExternalAssessmentDefinition External Assessment Definition Standard Object
DelegatedAccount External Managed Account Standard Object
FeeScheduleDefinition Fee Schedule Definition Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__FilterColumn__c Filter Column Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__FilterCondition__c Filter Condition Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__FilterCriterion__c Filter Criterion Custom Object
FlowRecord Flow Standard Object
FlowInterview Flow Interview Standard Object
FSL__FSL_Operation__c FSL Operation Custom Object
FSL__Gantt_Filter__c Gantt Filter Custom Object
FSL__GanttPalette__c Gantt Palette Custom Object
GeneratedDocument Generated Document Standard Object
GeneratedDocumentSection Generated Document Section Standard Object
Generic_Case_KPI__c Generic Case KPI Custom Object
GnrcVstKeyPerformanceInd Generic Visit Key Performance Indicator Standard Object
GenericVisitTask Generic Visit Task Standard Object
GenericVisitTaskContext Generic Visit Task Context Standard Object
GnrcVstTaskContextRelation Generic Visit Task Context Relation Standard Object
GeoCountry Geo Country Standard Object
GeolocationBasedAction Geolocation Based Action Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__CarePlanGoal__c Goal Custom Object Health improvement goal to address a particular health problem for a given patient as part of their care plan
GoalAssignment Goal Assignment Standard Object
GoalAssignmentDetail Goal Assignment Detail Standard Object
GoalDefinition Goal Definition Standard Object
CollaborationGroup Group Standard Object
GroupCensus Group Census Standard Object
GroupCensusMember Group Census Member Standard Object
GroupCensusMemberPlan Group Census Member Plan Standard Object
GroupClass Group Class Standard Object
GroupClassContribution Group Class Contribution Standard Object
HealthCondition Health Condition Standard Object
HealthConditionDetail Health Condition Detail Standard Object
HealthScore Health Score Standard Object
HealthScoreActionLog Health Score Action Log Standard Object
HealthCareDiagnosis Healthcare Diagnosis Standard Object
HealthcareFacility Healthcare Facility Standard Object
HealthcareFacilityNetwork Healthcare Facility Network Standard Object
HealthcarePayerNetwork Healthcare Payer Network Standard Object
HealthcarePractitionerFacility Healthcare Practitioner Facility Standard Object
CarePractnFacilityAppt Healthcare Practitioner Facility Appointment Standard Object
HealthCareProcedure Healthcare Procedure Standard Object
HealthcareProvider Healthcare Provider Standard Object
HealthcareProviderNpi Healthcare Provider NPI Standard Object
HealthcareProviderService Healthcare Provider Service Standard Object
HealthcareProviderSpecialty Healthcare Provider Specialty Standard Object
HealthcareProviderTaxonomy Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Standard Object
HlthCareProvTreatedCondition Healthcare Provider Treated Condition Standard Object
HealthcareServiceDetail Healthcare Service Detail Standard Object
HierCondHlthCodeMapping Hierarchical Condition Health Code Mapping Standard Object
HierCondHlthRskAdjFctr Hierarchical Condition Health Risk Adjustment Factor Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__HousingAssessment__c Housing Assessment Custom Object
Idea Idea Standard Object
Identifier Identifier Standard Object
IdentityDocument Identity Document Standard Object
IdentityResolution Identity Resolution Standard Object
Image Image Standard Object
Incident Incident Standard Object
IncidentRelatedItem Incident Related Item Standard Object
Individual Individual Standard Object
IndividualApplication Individual Application Standard Object
InfoAuthorizationRequest Info Authorization Request Standard Object
InfoAuthRequestForm Info Authorization Request Form Standard Object
InsuranceContract Insurance Contract Standard Object
InsurancePolicy Insurance Policy Standard Object
InsurancePolicyAsset Insurance Policy Asset Standard Object
InsurancePolicyCoverage Insurance Policy Coverage Standard Object
InsurancePolicyParticipant Insurance Policy Participant Standard Object
InsurancePolicySurcharge Insurance Policy Surcharge Standard Object
InsurancePolicyTransaction Insurance Policy Transaction Standard Object
InsPolicyTransactionDetail Insurance Policy Transaction Detail Standard Object
InsuranceProfile Insurance Profile Standard Object
IntegrationProviderDef Integration Provider Definition Standard Object
JobProfile Job Profile Standard Object
Knowledge__kav Knowledge Standard Object
Lead Lead Standard Object
LegalEntity Legal Entity Standard Object
LinkedArticle Linked Article Standard Object
ListEmail List Email Standard Object
Location Location Standard Object
LocationTrustMeasure Location Trust Measure Standard Object
Lost_Serialized_Product__c Lost Serialized Product Custom Object
Macro Macro Standard Object
MaintenanceAsset Maintenance Asset Standard Object
MaintenancePlan Maintenance Plan Standard Object
MaintenanceWorkRule Maintenance Work Rule Standard Object
ManagedContent Managed Content Standard Object
ManagedContentVariant Managed Content Variant Standard Object
FSL__Polygon__c Map Polygon Custom Object
Medication Medication Standard Object
MedicationDispense Medication Dispense Standard Object
MedicationReconciliation Medication Reconciliation Standard Object
MedReconRecommendation Medication Reconciliation Recommendation Standard Object
MedReconStmtRecommendation Medication Reconciliation Statement Recommendation Standard Object
MedicationRequest Medication Request Standard Object
MedicationStatement Medication Statement Standard Object
MedicationStatementDetail Medication Statement Detail Standard Object
MedicationTherapyReview Medication Therapy Review Standard Object
MedicationTherapyStmtReview Medication Therapy Statement Review Standard Object
MedTherapyStmtReviewIssue Medication Therapy Statement Review Issue Standard Object
MedicinalIngredient Medicinal Ingredient Standard Object
MemberPlan Member Plan Standard Object
MktMLModel Model Standard Object
MultipartyInfoAuthRequest Multiparty Information Authorization Request Standard Object
Navigation_Item__c Navigation Item Custom Object
EntityMilestone Object Milestone Standard Object
OmniDataTransform Omni Data Transformation Standard Object
OmniDataTransformItem Omni Data Transformation Item Standard Object
OmniDataPack Omni DataPack Standard Object
OmniESignatureTemplate Omni Electronic Signature Template Standard Object
OmniProcess Omni Process Standard Object
OmniProcessAsmtQuestionVer Omni Process Assessment Question Version Standard Object
OmniProcessCompilation Omni Process Compilation Standard Object
OmniProcessElement Omni Process Element Standard Object
OmniProcessTransientData Omni Process Transient Data Standard Object
OmniUiCard Omni UI Card Standard Object
OmniScriptSavedSession OmniScript Saved Session Standard Object
OperatingHours Operating Hours Standard Object
OperatingHoursHoliday Operating Hours Holiday Standard Object
Opportunity Opportunity Standard Object
OpportunityContactRole Opportunity Contact Role Standard Object
OpportunityLineItem Opportunity Product Standard Object
FSL__Optimization_Data__c Optimization Data Custom Object
FSL__Optimization_Request__c Optimization Request Custom Object
FSL__Optimization_Request_Queue__c Optimization Request Queue Custom Object Merge all requests of the scheduler while using decompose territories
FlowOrchestrationInstance Orchestration Run Standard Object
FlowOrchestrationLog Orchestration Run Log Standard Object
FlowOrchestrationStageInstance Orchestration Stage Run Standard Object
FlowOrchestrationStepInstance Orchestration Step Run Standard Object
FlowOrchestrationWorkItem Orchestration Work Item Standard Object
Order Order Standard Object
OrderItem Order Product Standard Object
OtherComponentTask Other Component Task Standard Object
PartnerFundAllocation Partner Fund Allocation Standard Object
PartnerFundClaim Partner Fund Claim Standard Object
PartnerFundRequest Partner Fund Request Standard Object
PartnerMarketingBudget Partner Marketing Budget Standard Object
PartyAppointmentRequest Party Appointment Request Standard Object
PartyConsent Party Consent Standard Object
PartyProfile Party Profile Standard Object
PartyRelationshipGroup Party Relationship Group Standard Object
PartyRoleRelation Party Role Relationship Standard Object
PartySchedulePreference Party Schedule Preference Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__PatientCardViewConfiguration__c Patient Card Configuration Custom Object
PatientHealthReaction Patient Health Reaction Standard Object
PatientImmunization Patient Immunization Standard Object
PatientImmunizationProtocol Patient Immunization Protocol Standard Object
PatientMedicalProcedure Patient Medical Procedure Standard Object
PatientMedicalProcedureDetail Patient Medical Procedure Detail Standard Object
PatientMedicationDosage Patient Medication Dosage Standard Object
PercentileBsdCareFeeAgreement Percentile Based Care Fee Agreement Standard Object
PersonEducation Person Education Standard Object
PersonEmployment Person Employment Standard Object
PersonLanguage Person Language Standard Object
PersonLifeEvent Person Life Event Standard Object
PersonName Person Name Standard Object
PlanBenefit Plan Benefit Standard Object
PlanBenefitItem Plan Benefit Item Standard Object
PreventiveCareAgreement Preventive Care Agreement Standard Object
Pricebook2 Price Book Standard Object
PricebookEntry Price Book Entry Standard Object
Problem Problem Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__CarePlanProblem__c Problem Custom Object Patients heath issue to be addressed by a care plan
ProblemDefinition Problem Definition Standard Object
ProblemGoalDefinition Problem Goal Definition Standard Object
ProblemRelatedItem Problem Related Item Standard Object
ProcessException Process Exception Standard Object
Producer Producer Standard Object
ProducerCommission Producer Commission Standard Object
Product2 Product Standard Object
ProductAttributeDefinition Product Attribute Definition Standard Object
ProductAvailabilityProjection Product Availability Projection Standard Object
ProductCategoryDisqual Product Category Disqualification Standard Object
ProductCategoryProduct Product Category Product Standard Object
ProductCategoryQualification Product Category Qualification Standard Object
ProductClassification Product Classification Standard Object
ProductClassificationAttr Product Classification Attribute Standard Object
ProductComponentGroup Product Component Group Standard Object
ProductComponentGrpOverride Product Component Group Override Standard Object
ProductConsumed Product Consumed Standard Object
ProductConsumedState Product Consumed State Standard Object
ProductDisqualification Product Disqualification Standard Object
ProductFulfillmentLocation Product Fulfillment Location Standard Object
ProductItem Product Item Standard Object
ProductItemTransaction Product Item Transaction Standard Object
ProductQualification Product Qualification Standard Object
ProductRelatedComponent Product Related Component Standard Object
ProductRelComponentOverride Product Related Component Override Standard Object
ProductRelationshipType Product Relationship Type Standard Object
ProductRequest Product Request Standard Object
ProductRequestLineItem Product Request Line Item Standard Object
ProductRequired Product Required Standard Object
ProductSellingModel Product Selling Model Standard Object
ProductSellingModelOption Product Selling Model Option Standard Object
ProductServiceCampaign Product Service Campaign Standard Object
ProductServiceCampaignItem Product Service Campaign Item Standard Object
ProductTransfer Product Transfer Standard Object
ProductTransferState Product Transfer State Standard Object
ProductWarrantyTerm Product Warranty Term Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__Program__c Program Custom Object
PgmBasedHlthRskAdjFctr Program Based Risk Health Adjustment Factor Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientAffiliation__c Program Patient Affiliation Custom Object
HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c Program Patient Summary Custom Object This is the object that will house our Patient's program summary (CCM, RiskScore)
ProrationPolicy Proration Policy Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__Provider__c Provider Custom Object
ProviderNetworkContract Provider Network Contract Standard Object
ProviderNetworkTier Provider Network Tier Standard Object
ProviderSearchSyncLog Provider Search Sync Log Standard Object
PurchaserPlan Purchaser Plan Standard Object
PurchaserPlanAssn Purchaser Plan Association Standard Object
DataQueryWorkspace Query Editor Standard Object
QuickText Quick Text Standard Object
ReceivedDocument Received Document Standard Object
ReceivedDocumentType Received Document Type Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c Reciprocal Role Custom Object Represents the other entity’s corresponding role in a one-to-one relationship between entities.
Recommendation Recommendation Standard Object
Recommended_Care_Professional__c Recommended Care Professional Custom Object
RecordAlert Record Alert Standard Object
RecordAlertCategory Record Alert Category Standard Object
RecAlrtDataSrcExpSetDef Record Alert Data Source Expression Set Definition Standard Object
RecordAlertTemplate Record Alert Template Standard Object
RecordsetFilterCriteria Recordset Filter Criteria Standard Object
RecordsetFltrCritMonitor Recordset Filter Criteria Monitor Standard Object
RecordsetFilterCriteriaRule Recordset Filter Criteria Rule Standard Object
ProblemIncident Related Problem and Incident Standard Object
ResourceAbsence Resource Absence Standard Object
ServiceResourceCapacity Resource Capacity Standard Object
ResourcePreference Resource Preference Standard Object
ReturnOrder Return Order Standard Object
ReturnOrderLineItem Return Order Line Item Standard Object
RevenueAsyncOperation Revenue Async Operation Standard Object
RevenueTransactionErrorLog Revenue Transaction Error Log Standard Object
SalesAgreement Sales Agreement Standard Object
SalesAgreementProduct Sales Agreement Product Standard Object
SalesAgreeProductAttribute Sales Agreement Product Attribute Standard Object
SalesAgreementProductSchedule Sales Agreement Product Schedule Standard Object
ScheduleBroadcast Schedule Broadcast Standard Object
ScheduleBroadcastAppointment Schedule Broadcast Appointment Standard Object
ScheduleBrdcstApptResource Schedule Broadcast Appointment Resource Standard Object
ScheduleBroadcastTerritory Schedule Broadcast Territory Standard Object
SchedulingConstraint Scheduling Constraint Standard Object
FSL__Scheduling_Policy__c Scheduling Policy Custom Object
FSL__Scheduling_Policy_Goal__c Scheduling Policy Objective Custom Object
FSL__Scheduling_Policy_Work_Rule__c Scheduling Policy Work Rule Custom Object
FSL__SchedulingRecipe__c Scheduling Recipe Custom Object
SchedulingWorkspace Scheduling Workspace Standard Object
SchedulingWorkspaceTerritory Scheduling Workspace Territory Standard Object
Scorecard Scorecard Standard Object
ScorecardAssociation Scorecard Association Standard Object
ScorecardMetric Scorecard Metric Standard Object
DataSemanticSearch Search Index Standard Object
SecuritiesHolding Securities Holding Standard Object
MarketSegment Segment Standard Object
Seller Seller Standard Object
SerializedProduct Serialized Product Standard Object
SerializedProductTransaction Serialized Product Transaction Standard Object
ServiceAppointment Service Appointment Standard Object
ServiceAppointmentAttendee Service Appointment Attendee Standard Object
ServiceAppointmentCapacityUsage Service Appointment Capacity Usage Standard Object
ServiceAppointmentGroup Service Appointment Group Standard Object
ServiceContract Service Contract Standard Object
ServiceCrew Service Crew Standard Object
ServiceCrewMember Service Crew Member Standard Object
FSL__Service_Goal__c Service Objective Custom Object
ServiceResource Service Resource Standard Object
ServiceResourcePreference Service Resource Preference Standard Object
ServiceResourceSkill Service Resource Skill Standard Object
ServiceTerritory Service Territory Standard Object
ServiceTerritoryLocation Service Territory Location Standard Object
ServiceTerritoryMember Service Territory Member Standard Object
ServiceTerritoryRelationship Service Territory Relationship Standard Object
ServiceTerritoryWorkType Service Territory Work Type Standard Object
SharedSavingPaymentAgreement Shared Saving Payment Agreement Standard Object
Shift Shift Standard Object
ShiftEngagementChannel Shift Engagement Channel Standard Object
ShiftPattern Shift Pattern Standard Object
ShiftPatternEntry Shift Pattern Entry Standard Object
ShiftTemplate Shift Template Standard Object
ShiftWorkTopic Shift Work Topic Standard Object
Shipment Shipment Standard Object
ShipmentItem Shipment Item Standard Object
ProfileSkill Skill Standard Object
SkillRequirement Skill Requirement Standard Object
ProfileSkillUser Skill User Standard Object
FSL__SLR_Cache__c SLR Cache Custom Object
SocialPersona Social Persona Standard Object
SocialPost Social Post Standard Object
Solution Solution Standard Object
StandardCareFeeAgreement Standard Care Fee Agreement Standard Object
SuggestedAssessmentDef Suggested Assessment Definition Standard Object
SuggestedAssessmentReason Suggested Assessment Reason Standard Object
Survey Survey Standard Object
SurveyInvitation Survey Invitation Standard Object
SurveyQuestion Survey Question Standard Object
SurveyQuestionChoice Survey Question Choice Standard Object
SurveyQuestionResponse Survey Question Response Standard Object
SurveyResponse Survey Response Standard Object
SurveySubject Survey Subject Standard Object
SurveyVersion Survey Version Standard Object
Swarm Swarm Standard Object
SwarmMember Swarm Member Standard Object
Task Task Standard Object
Team Team Standard Object
TeamMember Team Member Standard Object
FSL__Territory_Optimization_Request__c Territory Optimization Request Custom Object
omnistudio__TestResult__c Test Result Custom Object
TimeSheet Time Sheet Standard Object
TimeSheetEntry Time Sheet Entry Standard Object
TimeSlot Time Slot Standard Object
HealthCloudGA__TimelineViewConfiguration__c Timeline View Configuration Custom Object
TrackedCommunication Tracked Communication Standard Object
TrackedCommunicationDetail Tracked Communication Detail Standard Object
TravelMode Travel Mode Standard Object
CspTrustedSite Trusted URL Standard Object
UnitOfMeasure Unit of Measure Standard Object
UnitOfMeasureConversion Unit of Measure Conversion Standard Object
User User Standard Object
UserEsignVendorIdentifier User Esignature Vendor Identifier Standard Object
UserProvisioningRequest User Provisioning Request Standard Object
FSL__UserSetting__c User Setting Custom Object
FSL__User_Setting_Territory__c User Setting Territory Custom Object
FSL__User_Territory__c User Territory Custom Object Which Territories are visible to this user (Default = All)
Visit Visit Standard Object
VisitedParty Visited Party Standard Object
Visitor Visitor Standard Object
omnistudio__DRBatchQueue__c Vlocity Data Mapper Batch Queue Custom Object Vlocity system object used as a queue for Data Mapper batches needing to be processed.
omnistudio__Interface_DRGeneric__c Vlocity Data Mapper Object Interface Custom Object Interface Object: Generic Vlocity Data Mapper interface object which can be used for staging data to be imported.
omnistudio__VlocityDataPack__c Vlocity DataPack Object Custom Object
omnistudio__VlocityDocuSignTemplate__c Vlocity DocuSign Template Custom Object
omnistudio__VlocityErrorLogEntry__c Vlocity Error Log Entry Custom Object Populated after an error in an integration procedure via a data raptor bundle. Can be a callout error, upsert error, etc.
omnistudio__VlocityScheduledJob__c Vlocity Scheduled Job Custom Object
omnistudio__VlocityTrackingEntry__c Vlocity Tracking Entry Custom Object
Waitlist Waitlist Standard Object
WaitlistParticipant Waitlist Participant Standard Object
WaitlistServiceResource Waitlist Service Resource Standard Object
WaitlistWorkType Waitlist Work Type Standard Object
WarrantyTerm Warranty Term Standard Object
WorkCapacityAvailability Work Capacity Availability Standard Object
WorkCapacityLimit Work Capacity Limit Standard Object
WorkCapacityUsage Work Capacity Usage Standard Object
WorkOrder Work Order Standard Object
WorkOrderLineItem Work Order Line Item Standard Object
WorkPlan Work Plan Standard Object
WorkPlanSelectionRule Work Plan Selection Rule Standard Object
WorkPlanTemplate Work Plan Template Standard Object
WorkPlanTemplateEntry Work Plan Template Entry Standard Object
WorkProcedure Work Procedure Standard Object
WorkProcedureStep Work Procedure Step Standard Object
FSL__Work_Rule__c Work Rule Custom Object
FSL__Work_Rule_Entry__c Work Rule Entry Custom Object
WorkStep Work Step Standard Object
WorkStepTemplate Work Step Template Standard Object
WorkType Work Type Standard Object
WorkTypeCareSpecialty Work Type Care Specialty Standard Object
WorkTypeCodeSetBundle Work Type Code Set Bundle Standard Object
WorkTypeExtension Work Type Extension Standard Object
WorkTypeGroup Work Type Group Standard Object
WorkTypeGroupMember Work Type Group Member Standard Object
WorkTypeSvcTerrSchdPrio Work Type Service Territory Scheduling Priority Standard Object
WorkTypeStep Work Type Step Standard Object
WorkTypeStepLdTimeOvride Work Type Step Lead Time Override Standard Object
WorkerCompCoverageClass Worker Compensation Coverage Class Standard Object
BatchJob Batch Job Standard Object
DataQueryWorkspaceTab Entity Standard Object
Announcement Announcement
ContentAsset Asset File
Calendar Calendar
CallCenter Call Center
CaseComment Case Comment
CaseHistory Case History
CaseSolution Case Solution
CaseTeamMember Case Team Member
CategoryData Category Data
CategoryNode Category Node
ConnectedApplication Connected App
ContentDocument Content Document
ContractContactRole Contract Contact Role
DuplicateRule Duplicate Rule
EmailTemplate Email Template
EventRelation Event Relation
ExternalDataSource External Data Source
IdeaComment Idea Comment
OpportunityStage Opportunity Stage
OpportunityCompetitor Opportunity: Competitor
Partner Partner
PartnerRole Partner Role Value
Profile Profile
RecordType Record Type
UserRole Role
UserProvAccount User Provisioning Account
UserProvisioningConfig User Provisioning Config
Community Zone
Activity Activity
CaseArticle Case Article
CaseTeamRole Case Team Member Role
EntitlementContact Entitlement Contact
KnowledgeArticle Knowledge Article
KnowledgeArticleVersion Knowledge Article Version
TaskRelation Task Relation
Action_Plan_Item Action Plan Item Custom Object