General informations

Name: ClaimLine__x
Label: Claim Line
Type: External Object

Fields (24)
Name Label Type Description
ExternalId External ID TEXT(1000)
DisplayUrl Display URL URL
AdjustedAmount__c Adjusted Amount CURRENCY(10,8)
ClaimLineStatusId__c Claim Line Status TEXT(64)
From__c From DATE
LineNumber__c Line Number NUMBER(18,0)
LocationCode__c Location Code TEXT(64)
Location__c Location TEXT(255)
Modifier__c Modifier TEXT(64)
NDCCode__c NDC Code TEXT(64)
Name__c Name TEXT(64)
PaidAmount__c Paid Amount CURRENCY(10,2)
Price__c Price CURRENCY(10,8)
ProcedureCPTHCPCSId__c Procedure TEXT(64)
RenderingProvider__c Rendering Provider LOOKUP
RevenueCode__c Revenue Code NUMBER(18,0)
SourceSystemIdentifier__c Source System Identifier TEXT(255)
SourceSystemModified__c Source System Modified DATETIME
SourceSystem__c Source System TEXT(64)
Title__c Title TEXT(255)
To__c To DATE
Unit__c Unit NUMBER(18,0)
Fields Details (24)
Name Id
Label ID
Type ID
Required Yes
Name ExternalId
Label External ID
Type TEXT(1000)
Name DisplayUrl
Label Display URL
Type URL
Name AdjustedAmount__c
Label Adjusted Amount
Type CURRENCY(10,8)
Help Text Adjusted amount for the claim line.
Name ClaimId__c
Label Claim
Help Text ID of the claim that this record is related to.
Name ClaimLineStatusId__c
Label Claim Line Status
Type TEXT(64)
Help Text ID of the claim status that this record is related to.
Name From__c
Label From
Help Text Service start date for claim line.
Name LineNumber__c
Label Line Number
Type NUMBER(18,0)
Help Text Claim line ID number.
Name LocationCode__c
Label Location Code
Type TEXT(64)
Help Text Location code of the place where service was performed.
Name Location__c
Label Location
Type TEXT(255)
Help Text Location details of the place where service was performed.
Name Modifier__c
Label Modifier
Type TEXT(64)
Help Text Modifier information e.g. A procedure was performed on the left side
Name NDCCode__c
Label NDC Code
Type TEXT(64)
Help Text Service code as defined by National Drug Code (NDC).
Name Name__c
Label Name
Type TEXT(64)
Help Text Name of the claim line record.
Name PaidAmount__c
Label Paid Amount
Type CURRENCY(10,2)
Help Text Amount paid for the claim line.
Name Price__c
Label Price
Type CURRENCY(10,8)
Help Text Price for the claim line.
Name ProcedureCPTHCPCSId__c
Label Procedure
Type TEXT(64)
Help Text Service procedure code based on Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) or Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS).
Name RenderingProvider__c
Label Rendering Provider
Foreign key Yes
Help Text National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the rendering provider associated with this service.
Name RevenueCode__c
Label Revenue Code
Type NUMBER(18,0)
Help Text Revenue grouping code associated with the claim line.
Name SourceSystemIdentifier__c
Label Source System Identifier
Type TEXT(255)
Help Text Identifier of the system where this record was sourced from.
Name SourceSystemModified__c
Label Source System Modified
Help Text Timestamp of the the most recent update from the source system
Name SourceSystem__c
Label Source System
Type TEXT(64)
Help Text Name of the system where this record was sourced from.
Name Title__c
Label Title
Type TEXT(255)
Help Text Title of the claim line.
Name To__c
Label To
Help Text Service end date for claim line.
Name Unit__c
Label Unit
Type NUMBER(18,0)
Help Text Number of units of service or drug provided to the patient.
Parents relationships(1)
Name Parent object Child object Parent object field Child object field
FirstPublishLocation ClaimLine__x ContentVersion
  • Id
  • FirstPublishLocationId
  • Children relationships(1)
    Name Parent object Child object Parent object field Child object field
    RenderingProvider__r HealthCloudGA__Provider__c ClaimLine__x
  • Id
  • RenderingProvider__c