General informations

Name: HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c
Label: EHR Dosage Instruction
Type: Custom Object

Fields (50)
Name Label Type Description
Id Record ID ID
OwnerId Owner ID LOOKUP
IsDeleted Deleted CHECKBOX
Name EHR Dosage Instruction ID AUTO NUMBER
CreatedDate Created Date DATETIME
CreatedById Created By ID LOOKUP
LastModifiedDate Last Modified Date DATETIME
LastModifiedById Last Modified By ID LOOKUP
SystemModstamp System Modstamp DATETIME
LastActivityDate Last Activity Date DATE
LastViewedDate Last Viewed Date DATETIME
LastReferencedDate Last Referenced Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__AdditionalInstructionCode__c Additional Instruction Code TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__AdditionalInstructionLabel__c Additional Instruction Label TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__AdditionalInstructionSystem__c Additional Instruction System TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__AdditionalInstruction__c Additional Instruction TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__AsNeededCode__c AsNeeded Code TEXT(255) AsNeeded Symbol in syntax defined by the system
HealthCloudGA__AsNeededLabel__c As Needed Label TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__AsNeededSystem__c AsNeeded System TEXT(255) Identity of the terminology system
HealthCloudGA__AsNeeded__c As Needed CHECKBOX
HealthCloudGA__DoseQuantityUnit__c Dose Quantity Unit TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__DoseQuantityValue__c Dose Quantity Value TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__EhrPatient__c EHR Patient LOOKUP Patient this applies to
HealthCloudGA__Instruction__c Instruction TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
HealthCloudGA__IsRestricted__c IsRestricted CHECKBOX
HealthCloudGA__IsVisibleOnPatientCard__c IsVisibleOnPatientCard FORMULA (CHECKBOX) If returns true, the record will appear on Patient Card
HealthCloudGA__MaxDosePerPeriodDenominatorUnit__c Max Dose Per Period Denominator Unit TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__MaxDosePerPeriodDenominatorValue__c Max Dose Per Period Denominator Value TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__MaxDosePerPeriodNumeratorUnit__c Max Dose Per Period Numerator Unit TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__MaxDosePerPeriodNumeratorValue__c Max Dose Per Period Numerator Value TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__MedicationPrescription__c Medication Prescription LOOKUP
HealthCloudGA__MedicationStatement__c Medication Statement LOOKUP
HealthCloudGA__MethodCode__c Method Code TEXT(255) Method Symbol in syntax defined by the system
HealthCloudGA__MethodLabel__c Method Label TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__MethodSystem__c Method System TEXT(255) Identity of the terminology system
HealthCloudGA__RateDenominator__c Rate Denominator TEXT(255) Denominator of a ratio of two Quantity values - a numerator and a denominator
HealthCloudGA__RateNumerator__c Rate Numerator TEXT(255) Numerator of a ratio of two Quantity values - a numerator and a denominator
HealthCloudGA__RouteCode__c Route Code TEXT(255) Route Symbol in syntax defined by the system
HealthCloudGA__RouteLabel__c Route Label TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__RouteSystem__c Route System TEXT(255) Identity of the terminology system
HealthCloudGA__SiteCode__c Site Code TEXT(255) Site Symbol in syntax defined by the system
HealthCloudGA__SiteLabel__c Site Label TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__SiteSystem__c Site System TEXT(255) Identity of the terminology system
HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemId__c Source System ID TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemModified__c Source System Modified DATETIME When last updated
HealthCloudGA__SourceSystem__c Source System TEXT(64) Identifies the system that created the record and owns update rights to it.
HealthCloudGA__SupplementalInstruction__c Supplemental Instruction TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
HealthCloudGA__TimingPeriodEnd__c Timing Period End DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__TimingPeriodStart__c Timing Period Start DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Timing__c Timing DATETIME
Fields Details (50)
Name Id
Label Record ID
Type ID
Required Yes
Name OwnerId
Label Owner ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name IsDeleted
Label Deleted
Required Yes
Default value false
Name Name
Label EHR Dosage Instruction ID
Required Yes
Name CreatedDate
Label Created Date
Required Yes
Name CreatedById
Label Created By ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name LastModifiedDate
Label Last Modified Date
Required Yes
Name LastModifiedById
Label Last Modified By ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name SystemModstamp
Label System Modstamp
Required Yes
Name LastActivityDate
Label Last Activity Date
Name LastViewedDate
Label Last Viewed Date
Name LastReferencedDate
Label Last Referenced Date
Name HealthCloudGA__AdditionalInstructionCode__c
Label Additional Instruction Code
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__AdditionalInstructionLabel__c
Label Additional Instruction Label
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__AdditionalInstructionSystem__c
Label Additional Instruction System
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__AdditionalInstruction__c
Label Additional Instruction
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__AsNeededCode__c
Label AsNeeded Code
Type TEXT(255)
Description AsNeeded Symbol in syntax defined by the system
Name HealthCloudGA__AsNeededLabel__c
Label As Needed Label
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__AsNeededSystem__c
Label AsNeeded System
Type TEXT(255)
Description Identity of the terminology system
Name HealthCloudGA__AsNeeded__c
Label As Needed
Required Yes
Default value false
Name HealthCloudGA__DoseQuantityUnit__c
Label Dose Quantity Unit
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__DoseQuantityValue__c
Label Dose Quantity Value
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__EhrPatient__c
Label EHR Patient
Foreign key Yes
Help Text Patient this applies to
Description Patient this applies to
Name HealthCloudGA__Instruction__c
Label Instruction
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
Name HealthCloudGA__IsRestricted__c
Label IsRestricted
Required Yes
Default value false
Name HealthCloudGA__IsVisibleOnPatientCard__c
Label IsVisibleOnPatientCard
Required Yes
Description If returns true, the record will appear on Patient Card
Name HealthCloudGA__MaxDosePerPeriodDenominatorUnit__c
Label Max Dose Per Period Denominator Unit
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__MaxDosePerPeriodDenominatorValue__c
Label Max Dose Per Period Denominator Value
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__MaxDosePerPeriodNumeratorUnit__c
Label Max Dose Per Period Numerator Unit
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__MaxDosePerPeriodNumeratorValue__c
Label Max Dose Per Period Numerator Value
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__MedicationPrescription__c
Label Medication Prescription
Foreign key Yes
Name HealthCloudGA__MedicationStatement__c
Label Medication Statement
Foreign key Yes
Name HealthCloudGA__MethodCode__c
Label Method Code
Type TEXT(255)
Description Method Symbol in syntax defined by the system
Name HealthCloudGA__MethodLabel__c
Label Method Label
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__MethodSystem__c
Label Method System
Type TEXT(255)
Description Identity of the terminology system
Name HealthCloudGA__RateDenominator__c
Label Rate Denominator
Type TEXT(255)
Help Text Denominator of a ratio of two Quantity values - a numerator and a denominator
Description Denominator of a ratio of two Quantity values - a numerator and a denominator
Name HealthCloudGA__RateNumerator__c
Label Rate Numerator
Type TEXT(255)
Help Text Numerator of a ratio of two Quantity values - a numerator and a denominator
Description Numerator of a ratio of two Quantity values - a numerator and a denominator
Name HealthCloudGA__RouteCode__c
Label Route Code
Type TEXT(255)
Description Route Symbol in syntax defined by the system
Name HealthCloudGA__RouteLabel__c
Label Route Label
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__RouteSystem__c
Label Route System
Type TEXT(255)
Description Identity of the terminology system
Name HealthCloudGA__SiteCode__c
Label Site Code
Type TEXT(255)
Description Site Symbol in syntax defined by the system
Name HealthCloudGA__SiteLabel__c
Label Site Label
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__SiteSystem__c
Label Site System
Type TEXT(255)
Description Identity of the terminology system
Name HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemId__c
Label Source System ID
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemModified__c
Label Source System Modified
Description When last updated
Name HealthCloudGA__SourceSystem__c
Label Source System
Type TEXT(64)
Help Text Identifies the system that created the record and owns update rights to it. Defaults to Health1 for manually created records.
Default value "Health1-"+$Organization.Id
Description Identifies the system that created the record and owns update rights to it.
Name HealthCloudGA__SupplementalInstruction__c
Label Supplemental Instruction
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
Name HealthCloudGA__TimingPeriodEnd__c
Label Timing Period End
Name HealthCloudGA__TimingPeriodStart__c
Label Timing Period Start
Name HealthCloudGA__Timing__c
Label Timing
Parents relationships(28)
Name Parent object Child object Parent object field Child object field
AdvAcctForecastFact HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c AdvAcctForecastFactAdj
  • Id
  • AdvAcctForecastFactId
  • ForecastContext HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c AdvAcctForecastSetUse
  • Id
  • ForecastContextId
  • ResponseContext HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c Assessment
  • Id
  • ResponseContextId
  • ContentContext HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c AssessmentTaskContentDocument
  • Id
  • ContentContextId
  • RelatedRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c AuthFormRequestRecord
  • Id
  • RelatedRecordId
  • What HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c ContactRequest
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • FirstPublishLocation HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c ContentVersion
  • Id
  • FirstPublishLocationId
  • ReferenceRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c CustodyChainEntry
  • Id
  • ReferenceRecordId
  • ReferenceItemRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c CustodyItem
  • Id
  • ReferenceItemRecordId
  • ParentReferenceRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c DigitalVerification
  • Id
  • ParentReferenceRecordId
  • ParentRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c DocumentChecklistItem
  • Id
  • ParentRecordId
  • ReferenceObject HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c DocumentEnvelope
  • Id
  • ReferenceObjectId
  • Record HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c DuplicateRecordItem
  • Id
  • RecordId
  • RelatedTo HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c EmailMessage
  • Id
  • RelatedToId
  • Topic HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c EngagementTopic
  • Id
  • TopicId
  • What HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c Event
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • RelatedRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c FlowOrchestrationWorkItem
  • Id
  • RelatedRecordId
  • ReferenceObject HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c GeneratedDocument
  • Id
  • ReferenceObjectId
  • Context HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c GenericVisitTaskContext
  • Id
  • ContextId
  • SourceRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c InfoAuthorizationRequest
  • Id
  • SourceRecordId
  • SourceRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c MultipartyInfoAuthRequest
  • Id
  • SourceRecordId
  • AttachedTo HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c ProcessException
  • Id
  • AttachedToId
  • Parent HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c RecordAlert
  • Id
  • ParentId
  • What HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c RecordAlert
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • Subject HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c SurveySubject
  • Id
  • SubjectId
  • What HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c Task
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • Relation HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c TaskRelation
  • Id
  • RelationId
  • Context HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c Visit
  • Id
  • ContextId