General informations
Fields (26)
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Custody Chain Entry ID | ID | |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX | |
Name | Name | AUTO NUMBER | |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME | |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP | |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME | |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP | |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME | |
LastViewedDate | Last Viewed Date | DATETIME | |
LastReferencedDate | Last Referenced Date | DATETIME | |
CustodyItemId | Custody Item ID | MASTER-DETAIL | |
CustodianId | Custodian ID | LOOKUP | |
ReferenceRecordId | ReferenceRecord ID | LOOKUP | |
ReferenceObjectApiName | Reference Object API Name | PICKLIST | |
EnrolleeWorkOrderId | Care Program Enrollee Work Order ID | LOOKUP | |
EnrolleeWorkOrderStepId | Care Program Enrollee Work Order Step ID | LOOKUP | |
AssessmentTaskId | Assessment Task ID | LOOKUP | |
Status | Status | PICKLIST | |
StatusCategory | Status Category | PICKLIST | |
StartDateTime | Start Date | DATETIME | |
EndDateTime | End Date | DATETIME | |
ItemVerificationType | Item Verification Type | PICKLIST | |
ItemCustodySiteId | ItemCustodySite ID | LOOKUP | |
Description | Description | TEXT AREA(255) | |
RecordUpdateInformation | Record Update Information | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32000) | |
VerificationProcessType | Verification Process Type | PICKLIST |
Fields Details (26)
Name | Id |
Label | Custody Chain Entry ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Name |
Label | Name |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastViewedDate |
Label | Last Viewed Date |
Name | LastReferencedDate |
Label | Last Referenced Date |
Name | CustodyItemId |
Label | Custody Item ID |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | The parent custody item that's associated with the custody chain entry record. |
Name | CustodianId |
Label | Custodian ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The user, organization, or location that has custody of the item. |
Name | ReferenceRecordId |
Label | ReferenceRecord ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The stage, step, task, or any custom object for which the custody entry is created. |
Name | ReferenceObjectApiName |
Label | Reference Object API Name |
Help Text | The API name of the reference object storing the stage, step, or task, or the custom object record for which the custody chain entry is created. |
Picklist values | HealthCloudGA__AccountAccountRelation__c cdpactvstrgptnr__ActivationPlatformCredential__mdt Apheresis_Collection__c FSL__Time_Dependency__c HealthCloudGA__AssessmentSchedulingSettings__mdt AssessmentTask FSL__Bundle_Event__e FSL__Bundler_Cache_Refresh_Event__e HealthCloudGA__CandidatePatient__c HealthCloudGA__CarePlanRecordType__mdt HealthCloudGA__CarePlanTemplate__c HealthCloudGA__CarePlanTemplateGoal__c HealthCloudGA__CarePlanTemplateProblem__c HealthCloudGA__CarePlanTemplateTask__c CarePgmEnrolleeWorkOrder CarePgmEnrolleeWkOrdStep HealthCloudGA__CareProgramPlanTemplate__c ClaimDiagnosis__x ClaimDiagnosisProcedure__x ClaimHeader__x ClaimLine__x ClaimProvider__x HealthCloudGA__Clinical_Assessment_Response__c HealthCloudGA__Clinical_Assessment_Setting__mdt HealthCloudGA__ConditionToHCCCodeMapping__c HealthCloudGA__ContactContactRelation__c FSL__Crew_Management_User_Settings__c FSL__Crew_Management_User_Settings_Territory__c FSL__Criteria__c HealthCloudGA__CrossObjectRelationship__c omnistudio__DRBulkData__c omnistudio__DocumentTemplateSetting__mdt HealthCloudGA__EhrAllergyIntolerance__c HealthCloudGA__EhrCarePlan__c HealthCloudGA__EhrCarePlanActivity__c HealthCloudGA__EhrCarePlanConcern__c HealthCloudGA__EhrCarePlanGoal__c HealthCloudGA__EhrCarePlanParticipant__c HealthCloudGA__EhrCondition__c HealthCloudGA__EhrConditionRelatedItem__c HealthCloudGA__EhrDevice__c HealthCloudGA__EhrDosageInstruction__c HealthCloudGA__EhrEncounter__c HealthCloudGA__EhrEncounterAccomodation__c HealthCloudGA__EhrEncounterParticipant__c HealthCloudGA__EhrImmunization__c HealthCloudGA__EhrImmunizationReaction__c HealthCloudGA__EhrMedicationPrescription__c HealthCloudGA__EhrMedicationStatement__c HealthCloudGA__EhrObservation__c HealthCloudGA__EhrPatient__c HealthCloudGA__EhrPatientCareProvider__c HealthCloudGA__EhrPatientContact__c HealthCloudGA__EhrPractitioner__c HealthCloudGA__EhrPractitionerIdentity__c HealthCloudGA__EhrPractitionerQualification__c HealthCloudGA__EhrPractitionerRole__c HealthCloudGA__EHRProcedure__c HealthCloudGA__EHRProcedurePerformer__c HealthCloudGA__EHRProcedureRequest__c HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedObservation__c HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c HealthCloudGA__EhrVaccinationProtocol__c HealthCloudGA__EhrVirtualDevice__c HealthCloudGA__EhrVirtualDeviceChannel__c HealthCloudGA__FeatureFlagSettings__mdt HealthCloudGA__FeatureServiceMapping__mdt HealthCloudGA__FeatureToggle__mdt HealthCloudGA__FilterColumn__c HealthCloudGA__FilterCondition__c HealthCloudGA__FilterCriterion__c FSL__FMA_Count_Action__e FSL__FSLHealth_Event__e FSL__FSL_Operation__c FSL__Gantt_Filter__c FSL__GanttPalette__c Generic_Case_KPI__c FSL__Geocode_Pulling_Settings__mdt HealthCloudGA__CarePlanGoal__c HealthCloudGA__GroupRecordTypeMapper__mdt HealthCloudGA__HcHelpTray__mdt HealthCloudGA__HCPlatformEvent__e HealthCloudGA__HealthCloudSetting__mdt HealthCloudGA__HL7ParserMapping__mdt HealthCloudGA__HL7Settings__mdt HealthCloudGA__HousingAssessment__c HealthCloudGA__IndividualRecordTypeMapper__mdt HealthCloudGA__JobFlowDataMapping__mdt HealthCloudGA__JobFlowSetting__mdt Knowledge__ka Knowledge__kav HealthCloudGA__LabelConfig__mdt HealthCloudGA__LeadConvertedStatusMapping__mdt HealthCloudGA__LeadReferralRecordType__mdt HealthCloudGA__LicenseKeyMapping__mdt Lost_Serialized_Product__c FSL__Polygon__c Navigation_Item__c FSL__O2_Authorization_Info__mdt FSL__O2_Settings__mdt FSL__O2_Toggle_Settings__mdt Opportunity__hd HealthCloudGA__OpportunityReferralRecordType__mdt FSL__Optimization_Data__c FSL__Optimization_Request__c FSL__Optimization_Request_Queue__c FSL__Overlap_Event__e HealthCloudGA__PatientCardViewConfiguration__c HealthCloudGA__Patient_Task_Assignment_Queue__mdt omnistudio__PDFTronEncryptionKey__mdt HealthCloudGA__CarePlanProblem__c HealthCloudGA__Program__c HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientAffiliation__c HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c HealthCloudGA__Provider__c HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c Recommended_Care_Professional__c HealthCloudGA__RiskScoreAgeBandContinuedEnrollee__mdt HealthCloudGA__RiskScoreAgeBandNewEnrollee__mdt HealthCloudGA__RiskScoreInteraction__mdt HealthCloudGA__RiskScoreHCCCode__mdt HealthCloudGA__RiskScoreMedicaidInteractions__mdt FSL__Scheduling_Policy__c FSL__Scheduling_Policy_Goal__c FSL__Scheduling_Policy_Work_Rule__c FSL__SchedulingRecipe__c FSL__Service_Goal__c HealthCloudGA__ServiceOrchestrationSetting__mdt FSL__SLR_Cache__c HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemLogoMapping__mdt HealthCloudGA__StatusGroupConfig__mdt FSL__Territory_Optimization_Request__c omnistudio__TestResult__c HealthCloudGA__TimelineViewConfiguration__c FSL__UserSetting__c FSL__User_Setting_Territory__c FSL__User_Territory__c HealthCloudGA__UseStandardTrigger__mdt omnistudio__DRBatchQueue__c omnistudio__Interface_DRGeneric__c omnistudio__VlocityDataPack__c omnistudio__VlocityDocuSignTemplate__c omnistudio__VlocityErrorLogEntry__c omnistudio__VlocityScheduledJob__c omnistudio__VlocityTrackingEntry__c FSL__Work_Rule__c FSL__Work_Rule_Entry__c |
Name | EnrolleeWorkOrderId |
Label | Care Program Enrollee Work Order ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The care program enrollee work order for which a custody chain entry is created. |
Name | EnrolleeWorkOrderStepId |
Label | Care Program Enrollee Work Order Step ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The care program enrollee work order step for which a custody chain entry is created. |
Name | AssessmentTaskId |
Label | Assessment Task ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The assessment task for which a custody chain entry is created. |
Name | Status |
Label | Status |
Help Text | Specifies the status of the custody entry record. |
Picklist values | New Completed Rejected |
Name | StatusCategory |
Label | Status Category |
Help Text | Specifies the category of the custody entry record's status. |
Picklist values | New Completed Rejected |
Name | StartDateTime |
Label | Start Date |
Help Text | The start date and time of custody chain entry for the item. |
Name | EndDateTime |
Label | End Date |
Help Text | The end date and time of custody chain entry the item. |
Name | ItemVerificationType |
Label | Item Verification Type |
Help Text | Specifies the type of verification for the item. |
Picklist values | NotApplicable NoSignature SingleSignature DualSignature ThreeSignatures FourSignatures FiveSignatures |
Name | ItemCustodySiteId |
Label | ItemCustodySite ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The place where the item is held in custody. |
Name | Description |
Label | Description |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | The description of the custody chain entry record of the item. |
Name | RecordUpdateInformation |
Label | Record Update Information |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32000) |
Help Text | Stores information about the update in the custody chain entry for which the record was created. |
Name | VerificationProcessType |
Label | Verification Process Type |
Help Text | Specifies the type of process in which a verification is performed. |
Picklist values | Sequential Parallel |
Parents relationships(12)
Children relationships(110)
Object User-defined metadata (0)
Label | Value |