General informations

Name: HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c
Label: EHR Related Person
Type: Custom Object

Information about a person that is involved in the care for a patient, but who is not the target of healthcare, nor has a formal responsibility in the care process.

Fields (125)
Name Label Type Description
Id Record ID ID
OwnerId Owner ID LOOKUP
IsDeleted Deleted CHECKBOX
Name EHR Related Person ID AUTO NUMBER
CreatedDate Created Date DATETIME
CreatedById Created By ID LOOKUP
LastModifiedDate Last Modified Date DATETIME
LastModifiedById Last Modified By ID LOOKUP
SystemModstamp System Modstamp DATETIME
LastActivityDate Last Activity Date DATE
LastViewedDate Last Viewed Date DATETIME
LastReferencedDate Last Referenced Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Account__c Account LOOKUP Individual account which represents the patient in
HealthCloudGA__Address1City__c Address1 City TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address1Country__c Address1 Country TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address1EndDate__c Address1 End Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Address1Line1__c Address1 Line1 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address1Line2__c Address1 Line2 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address1PostalCode__c Address1 Postal Code TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address1StartDate__c Address1 Start Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Address1State__c Address1 State TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address1Text__c Address1 Text TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
HealthCloudGA__Address1Use__c Address1 Use TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address2City__c Address2 City TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address2Country__c Address2 Country TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address2EndDate__c Address2 End Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Address2Line1__c Address2 Line1 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address2Line2__c Address2 Line2 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address2PostalCode__c Address2 Postal Code TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address2StartDate__c Address2 Start Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Address2State__c Address2 State TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address2Text__c Address2 Text TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
HealthCloudGA__Address2Use__c Address2 Use TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address3City__c Address3 City TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address3Country__c Address3 Country TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address3EndDate__c Address3 End Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Address3Line1__c Address3 Line1 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address3Line2__c Address3 Line2 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address3PostalCode__c Address3 Postal Code TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address3StartDate__c Address3 Start Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Address3State__c Address3 State TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address3Text__c Address3 Text TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
HealthCloudGA__Address3Use__c Address3 Use TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address4City__c Address4 City TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address4Country__c Address4 Country TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address4EndDate__c Address4 End Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Address4Line1__c Address4 Line1 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address4Line2__c Address4 Line2 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address4PostalCode__c Address4 Postal Code TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address4StartDate__c Address4 Start Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Address4State__c Address4 State TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address4Text__c Address4 Text TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
HealthCloudGA__Address4Use__c Address4 Use TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address5City__c Address5 City TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address5Country__c Address5 Country TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address5EndDate__c Address5 End Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Address5Line1__c Address5 Line1 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address5Line2__c Address5 Line2 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address5PostalCode__c Address5 Postal Code TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address5StartDate__c Address5 Start Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Address5State__c Address5 State TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Address5Text__c Address5 Text TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
HealthCloudGA__Address5Use__c Address5 Use TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__BirthDate__c Birth Date DATE
HealthCloudGA__CalculatedName__c Calculated Name FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) if Name is null or Blank it is populated with GivenName1__c + FamilyName1__c else it is populated with Name
HealthCloudGA__FamilyName1__c FamilyName1 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__FamilyName2__c FamilyName2 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__FamilyName3__c FamilyName3 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Gender__c Gender TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__GivenName1__c GivenName1 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__GivenName2__c GivenName2 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__GivenName3__c GivenName3 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__GivenName4__c GivenName4 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__GivenName5__c GivenName5 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__IsRestricted__c IsRestricted CHECKBOX
HealthCloudGA__IsVisibleOnPatientCard__c IsVisibleOnPatientCard FORMULA (CHECKBOX) IF (Relationship = agent OR guardian OR guarantor) AND (Period Start >= TODAY OR NULL) AND (Period End <=TODAY OR NULL) return true else return false.
HealthCloudGA__Language1__c Language1 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Language2__c Language2 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Language3__c Language3 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Language4__c Language4 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Language5__c Language5 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__NameFull__c Name TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Patient__c Patient LOOKUP
HealthCloudGA__PeriodEnd__c PeriodEnd DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__PeriodStart__c PeriodStart DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__PhotoUrl__c Photo URL TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
HealthCloudGA__PrefixName1__c PrefixName1 TEXT(32)
HealthCloudGA__PrefixName2__c PrefixName2 TEXT(32)
HealthCloudGA__PrefixName3__c PrefixName3 TEXT(32)
HealthCloudGA__Relationship__c Relationship TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Role255__c Role 255 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Role__c Role TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemId__c Source System ID TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemModified__c Source System Modified DATETIME When last updated
HealthCloudGA__SourceSystem__c Source System TEXT(64) Identifies the system that created the record and owns update rights to it.
HealthCloudGA__Specialty255__c Specialty 255 TEXT(255)
HealthCloudGA__Specialty__c Specialty TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
HealthCloudGA__SuffixName1__c SuffixName1 TEXT(32)
HealthCloudGA__SuffixName2__c SuffixName2 TEXT(32)
HealthCloudGA__SuffixName3__c SuffixName3 TEXT(32)
HealthCloudGA__Telecom1PeriodEndDate__c Telecom1 Period Start DATETIME End of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
HealthCloudGA__Telecom1PeriodStartDate__c Telecom1 Period Start DATETIME Start of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
HealthCloudGA__Telecom1System__c Telecom1 System TEXT(255) phone | fax | email | url
HealthCloudGA__Telecom1Use__c Telecom1Use TEXT(255) home | work | temp | old | mobile
HealthCloudGA__Telecom1Value__c Telecom1 Value TEXT(255) The actual contact details
HealthCloudGA__Telecom2PeriodEndDate__c Telecom2 Period Start DATETIME End of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
HealthCloudGA__Telecom2PeriodStartDate__c Telecom2 Period Start DATETIME Start of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
HealthCloudGA__Telecom2System__c Telecom2 System TEXT(255) phone | fax | email | url
HealthCloudGA__Telecom2Use__c Telecom2Use TEXT(255) home | work | temp | old | mobile
HealthCloudGA__Telecom2Value__c Telecom2 Value TEXT(255) The actual contact details
HealthCloudGA__Telecom3PeriodEndDate__c Telecom3 Period Start DATETIME End of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
HealthCloudGA__Telecom3PeriodStartDate__c Telecom3 Period Start DATETIME Start of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
HealthCloudGA__Telecom3System__c Telecom3 System TEXT(255) phone | fax | email | url
HealthCloudGA__Telecom3Use__c Telecom3Use TEXT(255) home | work | temp | old | mobile
HealthCloudGA__Telecom3Value__c Telecom3 Value TEXT(255) The actual contact details
HealthCloudGA__Telecom4PeriodEndDate__c Telecom4 Period Start DATETIME End of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
HealthCloudGA__Telecom4PeriodStartDate__c Telecom4 Period Start DATETIME Start of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
HealthCloudGA__Telecom4System__c Telecom4 System TEXT(255) phone | fax | email | url
HealthCloudGA__Telecom4Use__c Telecom4Use TEXT(255) home | work | temp | old | mobile
HealthCloudGA__Telecom4Value__c Telecom4 Value TEXT(255) The actual contact details
HealthCloudGA__Telecom5PeriodEndDate__c Telecom5 Period Start DATETIME End of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
HealthCloudGA__Telecom5PeriodStartDate__c Telecom5 Period Start DATETIME Start of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
HealthCloudGA__Telecom5System__c Telecom5 System TEXT(255) phone | fax | email | url
HealthCloudGA__Telecom5Use__c Telecom5Use TEXT(255) home | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this address
HealthCloudGA__Telecom5Value__c Telecom5 Value TEXT(255) The actual contact details
Fields Details (125)
Name Id
Label Record ID
Type ID
Required Yes
Name OwnerId
Label Owner ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name IsDeleted
Label Deleted
Required Yes
Default value false
Name Name
Label EHR Related Person ID
Required Yes
Name CreatedDate
Label Created Date
Required Yes
Name CreatedById
Label Created By ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name LastModifiedDate
Label Last Modified Date
Required Yes
Name LastModifiedById
Label Last Modified By ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name SystemModstamp
Label System Modstamp
Required Yes
Name LastActivityDate
Label Last Activity Date
Name LastViewedDate
Label Last Viewed Date
Name LastReferencedDate
Label Last Referenced Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Account__c
Label Account
Foreign key Yes
Description Individual account which represents the patient in
Name HealthCloudGA__Address1City__c
Label Address1 City
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address1Country__c
Label Address1 Country
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address1EndDate__c
Label Address1 End Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Address1Line1__c
Label Address1 Line1
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address1Line2__c
Label Address1 Line2
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address1PostalCode__c
Label Address1 Postal Code
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address1StartDate__c
Label Address1 Start Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Address1State__c
Label Address1 State
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address1Text__c
Label Address1 Text
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address1Use__c
Label Address1 Use
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address2City__c
Label Address2 City
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address2Country__c
Label Address2 Country
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address2EndDate__c
Label Address2 End Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Address2Line1__c
Label Address2 Line1
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address2Line2__c
Label Address2 Line2
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address2PostalCode__c
Label Address2 Postal Code
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address2StartDate__c
Label Address2 Start Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Address2State__c
Label Address2 State
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address2Text__c
Label Address2 Text
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address2Use__c
Label Address2 Use
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address3City__c
Label Address3 City
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address3Country__c
Label Address3 Country
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address3EndDate__c
Label Address3 End Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Address3Line1__c
Label Address3 Line1
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address3Line2__c
Label Address3 Line2
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address3PostalCode__c
Label Address3 Postal Code
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address3StartDate__c
Label Address3 Start Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Address3State__c
Label Address3 State
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address3Text__c
Label Address3 Text
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address3Use__c
Label Address3 Use
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address4City__c
Label Address4 City
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address4Country__c
Label Address4 Country
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address4EndDate__c
Label Address4 End Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Address4Line1__c
Label Address4 Line1
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address4Line2__c
Label Address4 Line2
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address4PostalCode__c
Label Address4 Postal Code
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address4StartDate__c
Label Address4 Start Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Address4State__c
Label Address4 State
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address4Text__c
Label Address4 Text
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address4Use__c
Label Address4 Use
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address5City__c
Label Address5 City
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address5Country__c
Label Address5 Country
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address5EndDate__c
Label Address5 End Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Address5Line1__c
Label Address5 Line1
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address5Line2__c
Label Address5 Line2
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address5PostalCode__c
Label Address5 Postal Code
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address5StartDate__c
Label Address5 Start Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Address5State__c
Label Address5 State
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address5Text__c
Label Address5 Text
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
Name HealthCloudGA__Address5Use__c
Label Address5 Use
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__BirthDate__c
Label Birth Date
Name HealthCloudGA__CalculatedName__c
Label Calculated Name
Type FORMULA (TEXT)(1300)
Help Text if Name is null or Blank it is populated with GivenName1__c + FamilyName1__c else it is populated with Name
Description if Name is null or Blank it is populated with GivenName1__c + FamilyName1__c else it is populated with Name
Name HealthCloudGA__FamilyName1__c
Label FamilyName1
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__FamilyName2__c
Label FamilyName2
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__FamilyName3__c
Label FamilyName3
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Gender__c
Label Gender
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__GivenName1__c
Label GivenName1
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__GivenName2__c
Label GivenName2
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__GivenName3__c
Label GivenName3
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__GivenName4__c
Label GivenName4
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__GivenName5__c
Label GivenName5
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__IsRestricted__c
Label IsRestricted
Required Yes
Default value false
Name HealthCloudGA__IsVisibleOnPatientCard__c
Label IsVisibleOnPatientCard
Required Yes
Description IF (Relationship = agent OR guardian OR guarantor) AND (Period Start >= TODAY OR NULL) AND (Period End <=TODAY OR NULL) return true else return false.
Name HealthCloudGA__Language1__c
Label Language1
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Language2__c
Label Language2
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Language3__c
Label Language3
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Language4__c
Label Language4
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Language5__c
Label Language5
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__NameFull__c
Label Name
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Patient__c
Label Patient
Foreign key Yes
Name HealthCloudGA__PeriodEnd__c
Label PeriodEnd
Name HealthCloudGA__PeriodStart__c
Label PeriodStart
Name HealthCloudGA__PhotoUrl__c
Label Photo URL
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
Name HealthCloudGA__PrefixName1__c
Label PrefixName1
Type TEXT(32)
Name HealthCloudGA__PrefixName2__c
Label PrefixName2
Type TEXT(32)
Name HealthCloudGA__PrefixName3__c
Label PrefixName3
Type TEXT(32)
Name HealthCloudGA__Relationship__c
Label Relationship
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Role255__c
Label Role 255
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Role__c
Label Role
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
Name HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemId__c
Label Source System ID
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemModified__c
Label Source System Modified
Description When last updated
Name HealthCloudGA__SourceSystem__c
Label Source System
Type TEXT(64)
Help Text Identifies the system that created the record and owns update rights to it. Defaults to Health1 for manually created records.
Default value "Health1-"+$Organization.Id
Description Identifies the system that created the record and owns update rights to it.
Name HealthCloudGA__Specialty255__c
Label Specialty 255
Type TEXT(255)
Name HealthCloudGA__Specialty__c
Label Specialty
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768)
Name HealthCloudGA__SuffixName1__c
Label SuffixName1
Type TEXT(32)
Name HealthCloudGA__SuffixName2__c
Label SuffixName2
Type TEXT(32)
Name HealthCloudGA__SuffixName3__c
Label SuffixName3
Type TEXT(32)
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom1PeriodEndDate__c
Label Telecom1 Period Start
Description End of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom1PeriodStartDate__c
Label Telecom1 Period Start
Description Start of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom1System__c
Label Telecom1 System
Type TEXT(255)
Description phone | fax | email | url
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom1Use__c
Label Telecom1Use
Type TEXT(255)
Description home | work | temp | old | mobile
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom1Value__c
Label Telecom1 Value
Type TEXT(255)
Description The actual contact details
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom2PeriodEndDate__c
Label Telecom2 Period Start
Description End of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom2PeriodStartDate__c
Label Telecom2 Period Start
Description Start of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom2System__c
Label Telecom2 System
Type TEXT(255)
Description phone | fax | email | url
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom2Use__c
Label Telecom2Use
Type TEXT(255)
Description home | work | temp | old | mobile
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom2Value__c
Label Telecom2 Value
Type TEXT(255)
Description The actual contact details
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom3PeriodEndDate__c
Label Telecom3 Period Start
Description End of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom3PeriodStartDate__c
Label Telecom3 Period Start
Description Start of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom3System__c
Label Telecom3 System
Type TEXT(255)
Description phone | fax | email | url
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom3Use__c
Label Telecom3Use
Type TEXT(255)
Description home | work | temp | old | mobile
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom3Value__c
Label Telecom3 Value
Type TEXT(255)
Description The actual contact details
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom4PeriodEndDate__c
Label Telecom4 Period Start
Description End of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom4PeriodStartDate__c
Label Telecom4 Period Start
Description Start of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom4System__c
Label Telecom4 System
Type TEXT(255)
Description phone | fax | email | url
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom4Use__c
Label Telecom4Use
Type TEXT(255)
Description home | work | temp | old | mobile
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom4Value__c
Label Telecom4 Value
Type TEXT(255)
Description The actual contact details
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom5PeriodEndDate__c
Label Telecom5 Period Start
Description End of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom5PeriodStartDate__c
Label Telecom5 Period Start
Description Start of Period Time period when the contact was/is in use
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom5System__c
Label Telecom5 System
Type TEXT(255)
Description phone | fax | email | url
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom5Use__c
Label Telecom5Use
Type TEXT(255)
Description home | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this address
Name HealthCloudGA__Telecom5Value__c
Label Telecom5 Value
Type TEXT(255)
Description The actual contact details
Parents relationships(31)
Name Parent object Child object Parent object field Child object field
AdvAcctForecastFact HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c AdvAcctForecastFactAdj
  • Id
  • AdvAcctForecastFactId
  • ForecastContext HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c AdvAcctForecastSetUse
  • Id
  • ForecastContextId
  • ResponseContext HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c Assessment
  • Id
  • ResponseContextId
  • ContentContext HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c AssessmentTaskContentDocument
  • Id
  • ContentContextId
  • RelatedRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c AuthFormRequestRecord
  • Id
  • RelatedRecordId
  • What HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c ContactRequest
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • FirstPublishLocation HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c ContentVersion
  • Id
  • FirstPublishLocationId
  • ReferenceRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c CustodyChainEntry
  • Id
  • ReferenceRecordId
  • ReferenceItemRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c CustodyItem
  • Id
  • ReferenceItemRecordId
  • ParentReferenceRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c DigitalVerification
  • Id
  • ParentReferenceRecordId
  • ParentRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c DocumentChecklistItem
  • Id
  • ParentRecordId
  • ReferenceObject HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c DocumentEnvelope
  • Id
  • ReferenceObjectId
  • Record HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c DuplicateRecordItem
  • Id
  • RecordId
  • RelatedTo HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c EmailMessage
  • Id
  • RelatedToId
  • Topic HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c EngagementTopic
  • Id
  • TopicId
  • What HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c Event
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • RelatedRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c FlowOrchestrationWorkItem
  • Id
  • RelatedRecordId
  • ReferenceObject HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c GeneratedDocument
  • Id
  • ReferenceObjectId
  • Context HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c GenericVisitTaskContext
  • Id
  • ContextId
  • HealthCloudGA__RelatedPerson__r HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c HealthCloudGA__EhrCarePlanParticipant__c
  • Id
  • HealthCloudGA__RelatedPerson__c
  • HealthCloudGA__RelatedPerson__r HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c HealthCloudGA__EhrEncounterParticipant__c
  • Id
  • HealthCloudGA__RelatedPerson__c
  • HealthCloudGA__PerformingRelatedPerson__r HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c HealthCloudGA__EhrObservation__c
  • Id
  • HealthCloudGA__PerformingRelatedPerson__c
  • SourceRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c InfoAuthorizationRequest
  • Id
  • SourceRecordId
  • SourceRecord HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c MultipartyInfoAuthRequest
  • Id
  • SourceRecordId
  • AttachedTo HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c ProcessException
  • Id
  • AttachedToId
  • Parent HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c RecordAlert
  • Id
  • ParentId
  • What HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c RecordAlert
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • Subject HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c SurveySubject
  • Id
  • SubjectId
  • What HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c Task
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • Relation HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c TaskRelation
  • Id
  • RelationId
  • Context HealthCloudGA__EhrRelatedPerson__c Visit
  • Id
  • ContextId