General informations

Name: HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c
Label: Program Patient Summary
Type: Custom Object

This is the object that will house our Patient's program summary (CCM, RiskScore)

Fields (34)
Name Label Type Description
Id Record ID ID
OwnerId Owner ID LOOKUP
IsDeleted Deleted CHECKBOX
Name Name TEXT(80)
RecordTypeId Record Type ID LOOKUP
CreatedDate Created Date DATETIME
CreatedById Created By ID LOOKUP
LastModifiedDate Last Modified Date DATETIME
LastModifiedById Last Modified By ID LOOKUP
SystemModstamp System Modstamp DATETIME
LastActivityDate Last Activity Date DATE
LastViewedDate Last Viewed Date DATETIME
LastReferencedDate Last Referenced Date DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__Account__c Account LOOKUP Individual account which represents the patient in
HealthCloudGA__AgeBand__c Age Band FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) Patient’s age calculated into age bands: 0 - 34,35-44,45-54,55-59,60-64,65-69,70-74,75-79,80-84,85-89,90-94, 95 and older.
HealthCloudGA__Age__c Age NUMBER(3,0) Patient Age.
HealthCloudGA__Conditions__c Conditions TEXT AREA (LONG)(131072) List of HCC condition categories applied to the patient.
HealthCloudGA__DisabilityStatus__c Disability Status CHECKBOX CMS disability status.
HealthCloudGA__EffectiveDate__c Effective Date DATE Date the risk score was calculated.
HealthCloudGA__EnrollmentType__c Enrollment Type PICKLIST Indicates the Medicare enrollment type for the patient.
HealthCloudGA__Gender__c Gender PICKLIST Male/ Female
HealthCloudGA__HCCCodes__c HCC Codes TEXT(255) The final HCC Codes that are applicable to the patient after applying the overriding logic.
HealthCloudGA__Institution__c Institution CHECKBOX Indicates whether the patient is in an institution.
HealthCloudGA__LowIncome__c Low Income CHECKBOX Indicates whether the patient falls within low income guidelines.
HealthCloudGA__Month__c Month TEXT(2) The month that the time calculation is applicable for.
HealthCloudGA__MostRecent__c Most Recent CHECKBOX Indicates whether this record contains the most recent calculation for the measurement period.
HealthCloudGA__NewPatient__c New Patient CHECKBOX Indicates whether the patient is a new Medicare patient or a continued enrollee.
HealthCloudGA__NumberOfConditions__c Number of Conditions TEXT(3) Number of HCC condition categories that apply to the patient.
HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientAffiliation__c Program Patient Affiliation LOOKUP
HealthCloudGA__RiskScore__c Risk Score NUMBER(5,3) HCC risk score calculated for the patient.
HealthCloudGA__Stage__c Stage PICKLIST Indicates the stage the patient is in for the Medicare CCM program.
HealthCloudGA__TimeSpent__c Time Spent NUMBER(4,0) Total time spent with the patient in the measurement period for qualifying activities.
HealthCloudGA__Unique__c Unique FORMULA (TEXT)(1300)
HealthCloudGA__Year__c Year TEXT(4) Indicates the year the risk score is applicable to.
Fields Details (34)
Name Id
Label Record ID
Type ID
Required Yes
Name OwnerId
Label Owner ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name IsDeleted
Label Deleted
Required Yes
Default value false
Name Name
Label Name
Type TEXT(80)
Name RecordTypeId
Label Record Type ID
Foreign key Yes
Name CreatedDate
Label Created Date
Required Yes
Name CreatedById
Label Created By ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name LastModifiedDate
Label Last Modified Date
Required Yes
Name LastModifiedById
Label Last Modified By ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name SystemModstamp
Label System Modstamp
Required Yes
Name LastActivityDate
Label Last Activity Date
Name LastViewedDate
Label Last Viewed Date
Name LastReferencedDate
Label Last Referenced Date
Name HealthCloudGA__Account__c
Label Account
Foreign key Yes
Description Individual account which represents the patient in
Name HealthCloudGA__AgeBand__c
Label Age Band
Type FORMULA (TEXT)(1300)
Help Text Patient’s age calculated into age bands: 0 - 34,35-44,45-54,55-59,60-64,65-69,70-74,75-79,80-84,85-89,90-94, 95 and older.
Description Patient’s age calculated into age bands: 0 - 34,35-44,45-54,55-59,60-64,65-69,70-74,75-79,80-84,85-89,90-94, 95 and older.
Name HealthCloudGA__Age__c
Label Age
Type NUMBER(3,0)
Help Text Patient Age.
Description Patient Age.
Name HealthCloudGA__Conditions__c
Label Conditions
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(131072)
Help Text List of HCC condition categories applied to the patient.
Description List of HCC condition categories applied to the patient.
Name HealthCloudGA__DisabilityStatus__c
Label Disability Status
Required Yes
Help Text CMS disability status.
Default value false
Description CMS disability status.
Name HealthCloudGA__EffectiveDate__c
Label Effective Date
Help Text Date the risk score was calculated.
Description Date the risk score was calculated.
Name HealthCloudGA__EnrollmentType__c
Label Enrollment Type
Help Text Indicates the Medicare enrollment type for the patient.
Picklist values Dual ESRD FBDual NonDual PBDual
Description Indicates the Medicare enrollment type for the patient.
Name HealthCloudGA__Gender__c
Label Gender
Help Text Male/ Female
Picklist values Male Female Decline to Specify
Description Male/ Female
Name HealthCloudGA__HCCCodes__c
Label HCC Codes
Type TEXT(255)
Help Text The final HCC Codes that are applicable to the patient after applying the overriding logic.
Description The final HCC Codes that are applicable to the patient after applying the overriding logic.
Name HealthCloudGA__Institution__c
Label Institution
Required Yes
Help Text Indicates whether the patient is in an institution.
Default value false
Description Indicates whether the patient is in an institution.
Name HealthCloudGA__LowIncome__c
Label Low Income
Required Yes
Help Text Indicates whether the patient falls within low income guidelines.
Default value false
Description Indicates whether the patient falls within low income guidelines.
Name HealthCloudGA__Month__c
Label Month
Type TEXT(2)
Help Text The month that the time calculation is applicable for.
Description The month that the time calculation is applicable for.
Name HealthCloudGA__MostRecent__c
Label Most Recent
Required Yes
Help Text Indicates whether this record contains the most recent calculation for the measurement period.
Default value false
Description Indicates whether this record contains the most recent calculation for the measurement period.
Name HealthCloudGA__NewPatient__c
Label New Patient
Required Yes
Help Text Indicates whether the patient is a new Medicare patient or a continued enrollee.
Default value false
Description Indicates whether the patient is a new Medicare patient or a continued enrollee.
Name HealthCloudGA__NumberOfConditions__c
Label Number of Conditions
Type TEXT(3)
Help Text Number of HCC condition categories that apply to the patient.
Description Number of HCC condition categories that apply to the patient.
Name HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientAffiliation__c
Label Program Patient Affiliation
Foreign key Yes
Name HealthCloudGA__RiskScore__c
Label Risk Score
Type NUMBER(5,3)
Help Text HCC risk score calculated for the patient.
Description HCC risk score calculated for the patient.
Name HealthCloudGA__Stage__c
Label Stage
Help Text Indicates the stage the patient is in for the Medicare CCM program.
Picklist values In Process Potential Declined In Program
Description Indicates the stage the patient is in for the Medicare CCM program.
Name HealthCloudGA__TimeSpent__c
Label Time Spent
Type NUMBER(4,0)
Help Text Total time spent with the patient in the measurement period for qualifying activities.
Description Total time spent with the patient in the measurement period for qualifying activities.
Name HealthCloudGA__Unique__c
Label Unique
Type FORMULA (TEXT)(1300)
Name HealthCloudGA__Year__c
Label Year
Type TEXT(4)
Help Text Indicates the year the risk score is applicable to.
Description Indicates the year the risk score is applicable to.
Parents relationships(28)
Name Parent object Child object Parent object field Child object field
AdvAcctForecastFact HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c AdvAcctForecastFactAdj
  • Id
  • AdvAcctForecastFactId
  • ForecastContext HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c AdvAcctForecastSetUse
  • Id
  • ForecastContextId
  • ResponseContext HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c Assessment
  • Id
  • ResponseContextId
  • ContentContext HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c AssessmentTaskContentDocument
  • Id
  • ContentContextId
  • RelatedRecord HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c AuthFormRequestRecord
  • Id
  • RelatedRecordId
  • What HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c ContactRequest
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • FirstPublishLocation HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c ContentVersion
  • Id
  • FirstPublishLocationId
  • ReferenceRecord HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c CustodyChainEntry
  • Id
  • ReferenceRecordId
  • ReferenceItemRecord HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c CustodyItem
  • Id
  • ReferenceItemRecordId
  • ParentReferenceRecord HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c DigitalVerification
  • Id
  • ParentReferenceRecordId
  • ParentRecord HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c DocumentChecklistItem
  • Id
  • ParentRecordId
  • ReferenceObject HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c DocumentEnvelope
  • Id
  • ReferenceObjectId
  • Record HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c DuplicateRecordItem
  • Id
  • RecordId
  • RelatedTo HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c EmailMessage
  • Id
  • RelatedToId
  • Topic HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c EngagementTopic
  • Id
  • TopicId
  • What HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c Event
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • RelatedRecord HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c FlowOrchestrationWorkItem
  • Id
  • RelatedRecordId
  • ReferenceObject HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c GeneratedDocument
  • Id
  • ReferenceObjectId
  • Context HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c GenericVisitTaskContext
  • Id
  • ContextId
  • SourceRecord HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c InfoAuthorizationRequest
  • Id
  • SourceRecordId
  • SourceRecord HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c MultipartyInfoAuthRequest
  • Id
  • SourceRecordId
  • AttachedTo HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c ProcessException
  • Id
  • AttachedToId
  • Parent HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c RecordAlert
  • Id
  • ParentId
  • What HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c RecordAlert
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • Subject HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c SurveySubject
  • Id
  • SubjectId
  • What HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c Task
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • Relation HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c TaskRelation
  • Id
  • RelationId
  • Context HealthCloudGA__ProgramPatientSummary__c Visit
  • Id
  • ContextId