General informations

Name: HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c
Label: Reciprocal Role
Type: Custom Object

Represents the other entity’s corresponding role in a one-to-one relationship between entities.

Fields (15)
Name Label Type Description
Id Record ID ID
OwnerId Owner ID LOOKUP
IsDeleted Deleted CHECKBOX
Name Role TEXT(80)
RecordTypeId Record Type ID LOOKUP
CreatedDate Created Date DATETIME
CreatedById Created By ID LOOKUP
LastModifiedDate Last Modified Date DATETIME
LastModifiedById Last Modified By ID LOOKUP
SystemModstamp System Modstamp DATETIME
HealthCloudGA__CreateInverseRole__c Create Inverse Role CHECKBOX When checked, a new inverse role is created for the role.
HealthCloudGA__InverseRelationship__c InverseRelationship LOOKUP Uniquely identifies the relationship between Role and InverseRole__c so that it can be referenced by a trigger that creates the inverse relationship record.
HealthCloudGA__InverseRole__c Inverse Role TEXT(80)
HealthCloudGA__RelationshipType__c Relationship Type PICKLIST
HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemId__c Source System ID TEXT(100)
Fields Details (15)
Name Id
Label Record ID
Type ID
Required Yes
Name OwnerId
Label Owner ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name IsDeleted
Label Deleted
Required Yes
Default value false
Name Name
Label Role
Type TEXT(80)
Name RecordTypeId
Label Record Type ID
Foreign key Yes
Name CreatedDate
Label Created Date
Required Yes
Name CreatedById
Label Created By ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name LastModifiedDate
Label Last Modified Date
Required Yes
Name LastModifiedById
Label Last Modified By ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name SystemModstamp
Label System Modstamp
Required Yes
Name HealthCloudGA__CreateInverseRole__c
Label Create Inverse Role
Required Yes
Help Text If checked, a corresponding inverse role is automatically created.
Default value true
Description When checked, a new inverse role is created for the role.
Name HealthCloudGA__InverseRelationship__c
Label InverseRelationship
Foreign key Yes
Description Uniquely identifies the relationship between Role and InverseRole__c so that it can be referenced by a trigger that creates the inverse relationship record.
Name HealthCloudGA__InverseRole__c
Label Inverse Role
Type TEXT(80)
Required Yes
Name HealthCloudGA__RelationshipType__c
Label Relationship Type
Picklist values All Contact Contact Relation Account Account Relation
Name HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemId__c
Label Source System ID
Type TEXT(100)
Parents relationships(28)
Name Parent object Child object Parent object field Child object field
AdvAcctForecastFact HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c AdvAcctForecastFactAdj
  • Id
  • AdvAcctForecastFactId
  • ForecastContext HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c AdvAcctForecastSetUse
  • Id
  • ForecastContextId
  • ResponseContext HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c Assessment
  • Id
  • ResponseContextId
  • ContentContext HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c AssessmentTaskContentDocument
  • Id
  • ContentContextId
  • RelatedRecord HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c AuthFormRequestRecord
  • Id
  • RelatedRecordId
  • What HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c ContactRequest
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • FirstPublishLocation HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c ContentVersion
  • Id
  • FirstPublishLocationId
  • ReferenceRecord HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c CustodyChainEntry
  • Id
  • ReferenceRecordId
  • ReferenceItemRecord HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c CustodyItem
  • Id
  • ReferenceItemRecordId
  • ParentReferenceRecord HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c DigitalVerification
  • Id
  • ParentReferenceRecordId
  • ParentRecord HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c DocumentChecklistItem
  • Id
  • ParentRecordId
  • ReferenceObject HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c DocumentEnvelope
  • Id
  • ReferenceObjectId
  • Record HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c DuplicateRecordItem
  • Id
  • RecordId
  • Topic HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c EngagementTopic
  • Id
  • TopicId
  • RelatedRecord HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c FlowOrchestrationWorkItem
  • Id
  • RelatedRecordId
  • ReferenceObject HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c GeneratedDocument
  • Id
  • ReferenceObjectId
  • Context HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c GenericVisitTaskContext
  • Id
  • ContextId
  • HealthCloudGA__Role__r HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c HealthCloudGA__AccountAccountRelation__c
  • Id
  • HealthCloudGA__Role__c
  • HealthCloudGA__Role__r HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c HealthCloudGA__ContactContactRelation__c
  • Id
  • HealthCloudGA__Role__c
  • HealthCloudGA__InverseRelationship__r HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c
  • Id
  • HealthCloudGA__InverseRelationship__c
  • SourceRecord HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c InfoAuthorizationRequest
  • Id
  • SourceRecordId
  • SourceRecord HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c MultipartyInfoAuthRequest
  • Id
  • SourceRecordId
  • AttachedTo HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c ProcessException
  • Id
  • AttachedToId
  • Parent HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c RecordAlert
  • Id
  • ParentId
  • What HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c RecordAlert
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • Subject HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c SurveySubject
  • Id
  • SubjectId
  • Relation HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c TaskRelation
  • Id
  • RelationId
  • Context HealthCloudGA__ReciprocalRole__c Visit
  • Id
  • ContextId