General informations
Fields (173)
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Record ID | ID | |
OwnerId | Owner ID | LOOKUP | |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX | |
Name | EHR Encounter ID | AUTO NUMBER | |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME | |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP | |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME | |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP | |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME | |
LastActivityDate | Last Activity Date | DATE | |
LastViewedDate | Last Viewed Date | DATETIME | |
LastReferencedDate | Last Referenced Date | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Account__c | Account | LOOKUP | Individual account which represents the patient in |
HealthCloudGA__Class__c | Class | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Encounter__c | Encounter | LOOKUP | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalAdmitSourceLabel__c | Hospital Admit Source Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizationOrigin__c | Hospitalization Origin | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizationPreAdmissionId__c | Hospitalization Pre-Admission ID | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeAdmitSourceCode__c | Hospitalize Admit Source Code | TEXT(255) | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeAdmitSourceSystem__c | Hospitalize Admit Source System | TEXT(255) | Identity of the terminology system |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDestination__c | Hospitalize Destination | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDietCode__c | Hospitalize Diet Code | TEXT(255) | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDietLabel__c | Hospitalize Diet Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDietSystem__c | Hospitalize Diet System | TEXT(255) | Identity of the terminology system |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDischargeDiagnosis__c | Hospitalize Discharge Diagnosis | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | The final diagnosis given a patient before release from the hospital after all testing, surgery, and workup are complete |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDischargeDispositionCode__c | Hospitalize Discharge Disposition Code | TEXT(255) | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDischargeDispositionSystem__c | Hospitalize Discharge Disposition System | TEXT(255) | Identity of the terminology system |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDischargeDispostionLabel__c | Hospitalize Discharge Disposition Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeOrigin__c | Hospitalize Origin | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizePeriodEnd__c | Hospitalize Period End | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizePeriodStart__c | Hospitalize Period Start | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizePreAdmissionId__c | Hospitalize Pre-Admission ID | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeReadmission__c | Hospitalize Readmission | CHECKBOX | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialArrangementCode__c | Hospitalize Special Arrangement Code | TEXT(255) | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialArrangementLabel__c | Hospitalize Special Arrangement Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialArrangementSystem__c | Hospitalize Special Arrangement System | TEXT(255) | Identity of the terminology system |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialCourtesyCode__c | Hospitalize Special Courtesy Code | TEXT(255) | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialCourtesyLabel__c | Hospitalize Special Courtesy Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialCourtesySystem__c | Hospitalize Special Courtesy System | TEXT(255) | Identity of the terminology system |
HealthCloudGA__Indication__c | Indication | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__IsRestricted__c | IsRestricted | CHECKBOX | |
HealthCloudGA__IsVisibleOnPatientCard__c | IsVisibleOnPatientCard | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | Return True if Status != planned OR cancelled AND Period End is greatest else returns false |
HealthCloudGA__LastEncounter__c | LastEncounter | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Type and date of last encounter |
HealthCloudGA__LengthUnit__c | Length Unit | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__LengthValue__c | Length Value | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1City__c | Location1 City | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1Country__c | Location1 Country | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1Description__c | Location1 Description | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1EndDate__c | Location1 End Date | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1Id__c | Location1 Identifier | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1Line1__c | Location1 Line1 | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1Line2__c | Location1 Line2 | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1Name__c | Location1 Name | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1PostalCode__c | Location1 Postal Code | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1StartDate__c | Location1 Start Date | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1State__c | Location1 State | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1TelecomPeriodEnd__c | Location1 Telecom Period End | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1TelecomPeriodStart__c | Location1 Telecom Period Start | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1TelecomSystem__c | Location1 Telecom System | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1TelecomUse__c | Location1 Telecom Use | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1TelecomValue__c | Location1 Telecom Value | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1Text__c | Location1 Text | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1TypeCode__c | Location1 Type Code | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1TypeLabel__c | Location1 Type Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1TypeSystem__c | Location1 Type System | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1Type__c | Location1 Type | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location1Use__c | Location1 Use | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2City__c | Location2 City | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2Country__c | Location2 Country | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2Description__c | Location2 Description | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2EndDate__c | Location2 End Date | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2Id__c | Location2 Identifier | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2Line1__c | Location2 Line1 | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2Line2__c | Location2 Line2 | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2Name__c | Location2 Name | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2PostalCode__c | Location2 Postal Code | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2StartDate__c | Location2 Start Date | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2State__c | Location2 State | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2TelecomPeriodEnd__c | Location2 Telecom Period End | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2TelecomPeriodStart__c | Location2 Telecom Period Start | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2TelecomSystem__c | Location2 Telecom System | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2TelecomUse__c | Location2 Telecom Use | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2TelecomValue__c | Location2 Telecom Value | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2Text__c | Location2 Text | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2TypeCode__c | Location2 Type Code | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2TypeLabel__c | Location2 Type Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2TypeSystem__c | Location2 Type System | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2Type__c | Location2 Type | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location2Use__c | Location2 Use | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3City__c | Location3 City | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3Country__c | Location3 Country | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3Description__c | Location3 Description | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3EndDate__c | Location3 End Date | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3Id__c | Location3 Identifier | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3Line1__c | Location3 Line1 | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3Line2__c | Location3 Line2 | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3Name__c | Location3 Name | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3PostalCode__c | Location3 Postal Code | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3StartDate__c | Location3 Start Date | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3State__c | Location3 State | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3TelecomPeriodEnd__c | Location3 Telecom Period End | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3TelecomPeriodStart__c | Location3 Telecom Period Start | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3TelecomSystem__c | Location3 Telecom System | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3TelecomUse__c | Location3 Telecom Use | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3TelecomValue__c | Location3 Telecom Value | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3Text__c | Location3 Text | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3TypeCode__c | Location3 Type Code | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3TypeLabel__c | Location3 Type Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3TypeSystem__c | Location3 Type System | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3Type__c | Location3 Type | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location3Use__c | Location3 Use | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4City__c | Location4 City | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4Country__c | Location4 Country | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4Description__c | Location4 Description | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4EndDate__c | Location4 End Date | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4Id__c | Location4 Identifier | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4Line1__c | Location4 Line1 | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4Line2__c | Location4 Line2 | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4Name__c | Location4 Name | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4PostalCode__c | Location4 Postal Code | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4StartDate__c | Location4 Start Date | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4State__c | Location4 State | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4TelecomPeriodEnd__c | Location4 Telecom Period End | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4TelecomPeriodStart__c | Location4 Telecom Period Start | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4TelecomSystem__c | Location4 Telecom System | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4TelecomUse__c | Location4 Telecom Use | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4TelecomValue__c | Location4 Telecom Value | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4Text__c | Location4 Text | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4TypeCode__c | Location4 Type Code | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4TypeLabel__c | Location4 Type Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4TypeSystem__c | Location4 Type System | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4Type__c | Location4 Type | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location4Use__c | Location4 Use | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5City__c | Location5 City | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5Country__c | Location5 Country | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5Description__c | Location5 Description | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5EndDate__c | Location5 End Date | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5Id__c | Location5 Identifier | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5Line1__c | Location5 Line1 | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5Line2__c | Location5 Line2 | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5Name__c | Location5 Name | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5PostalCode__c | Location5 Postal Code | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5StartDate__c | Location5 Start Date | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5State__c | Location5 State | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5TelecomPeriodEnd__c | Location5 Telecom Period End | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5TelecomPeriodStart__c | Location5 Telecom Period Start | DATETIME | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5TelecomSystem__c | Location5 Telecom System | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5TelecomUse__c | Location5 Telecom Use | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5TelecomValue__c | Location5 Telecom Value | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5Text__c | Location5 Text | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5TypeCode__c | Location5 Type Code | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5TypeLabel__c | Location5 Type Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5TypeSystem__c | Location5 Type System | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5Type__c | Location5 Type | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Location5Use__c | Location5 Use | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__Patient__c | Patient | LOOKUP | |
HealthCloudGA__PeriodEnd__c | Period End | DATETIME | The end time of the encounter |
HealthCloudGA__PeriodStart__c | Period Start | DATETIME | The Start time of the encounter |
HealthCloudGA__PriorityCode__c | Priority Code | TEXT(255) | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
HealthCloudGA__PriorityLabel__c | Priority Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__PrioritySystem__c | Priority System | TEXT(255) | Identity of the terminology system |
HealthCloudGA__Priority__c | Priority | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__ReasonCode__c | Reason Code | TEXT(255) | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
HealthCloudGA__ReasonLabel__c | Reason Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__ReasonSystem__c | Reason System | TEXT(255) | Identity of the terminology system |
HealthCloudGA__ServiceProvider__c | Service Provider | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | |
HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemId__c | Source System ID | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemModified__c | Source System Modified | DATETIME | When last updated |
HealthCloudGA__SourceSystem__c | Source System | TEXT(64) | Identifies the system that created the record and owns update rights to it. |
HealthCloudGA__Status__c | Status | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__TypeCode__c | Type Code | TEXT(255) | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
HealthCloudGA__TypeLabel__c | Type Label | TEXT(255) | |
HealthCloudGA__TypeSystem__c | Type System | TEXT(255) | Identity of the terminology system |
Fields Details (173)
Name | Id |
Label | Record ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | OwnerId |
Label | Owner ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Name |
Label | EHR Encounter ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastActivityDate |
Label | Last Activity Date |
Type | DATE |
Name | LastViewedDate |
Label | Last Viewed Date |
Name | LastReferencedDate |
Label | Last Referenced Date |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Account__c |
Label | Account |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Description | Individual account which represents the patient in |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Class__c |
Label | Class |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Encounter__c |
Label | Encounter |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalAdmitSourceLabel__c |
Label | Hospital Admit Source Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizationOrigin__c |
Label | Hospitalization Origin |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizationPreAdmissionId__c |
Label | Hospitalization Pre-Admission ID |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeAdmitSourceCode__c |
Label | Hospitalize Admit Source Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeAdmitSourceSystem__c |
Label | Hospitalize Admit Source System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Identity of the terminology system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDestination__c |
Label | Hospitalize Destination |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDietCode__c |
Label | Hospitalize Diet Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDietLabel__c |
Label | Hospitalize Diet Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDietSystem__c |
Label | Hospitalize Diet System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Identity of the terminology system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDischargeDiagnosis__c |
Label | Hospitalize Discharge Diagnosis |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Description | The final diagnosis given a patient before release from the hospital after all testing, surgery, and workup are complete |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDischargeDispositionCode__c |
Label | Hospitalize Discharge Disposition Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDischargeDispositionSystem__c |
Label | Hospitalize Discharge Disposition System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Identity of the terminology system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeDischargeDispostionLabel__c |
Label | Hospitalize Discharge Disposition Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeOrigin__c |
Label | Hospitalize Origin |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizePeriodEnd__c |
Label | Hospitalize Period End |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizePeriodStart__c |
Label | Hospitalize Period Start |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizePreAdmissionId__c |
Label | Hospitalize Pre-Admission ID |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeReadmission__c |
Label | Hospitalize Readmission |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialArrangementCode__c |
Label | Hospitalize Special Arrangement Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialArrangementLabel__c |
Label | Hospitalize Special Arrangement Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialArrangementSystem__c |
Label | Hospitalize Special Arrangement System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Identity of the terminology system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialCourtesyCode__c |
Label | Hospitalize Special Courtesy Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialCourtesyLabel__c |
Label | Hospitalize Special Courtesy Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__HospitalizeSpecialCourtesySystem__c |
Label | Hospitalize Special Courtesy System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Identity of the terminology system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Indication__c |
Label | Indication |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__IsRestricted__c |
Label | IsRestricted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | HealthCloudGA__IsVisibleOnPatientCard__c |
Label | IsVisibleOnPatientCard |
Required | Yes |
Description | Return True if Status != planned OR cancelled AND Period End is greatest else returns false |
Name | HealthCloudGA__LastEncounter__c |
Label | LastEncounter |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | Type and date of last encounter |
Name | HealthCloudGA__LengthUnit__c |
Label | Length Unit |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__LengthValue__c |
Label | Length Value |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1City__c |
Label | Location1 City |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1Country__c |
Label | Location1 Country |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1Description__c |
Label | Location1 Description |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1EndDate__c |
Label | Location1 End Date |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1Id__c |
Label | Location1 Identifier |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1Line1__c |
Label | Location1 Line1 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1Line2__c |
Label | Location1 Line2 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1Name__c |
Label | Location1 Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1PostalCode__c |
Label | Location1 Postal Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1StartDate__c |
Label | Location1 Start Date |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1State__c |
Label | Location1 State |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1TelecomPeriodEnd__c |
Label | Location1 Telecom Period End |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1TelecomPeriodStart__c |
Label | Location1 Telecom Period Start |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1TelecomSystem__c |
Label | Location1 Telecom System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1TelecomUse__c |
Label | Location1 Telecom Use |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1TelecomValue__c |
Label | Location1 Telecom Value |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1Text__c |
Label | Location1 Text |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1TypeCode__c |
Label | Location1 Type Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1TypeLabel__c |
Label | Location1 Type Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1TypeSystem__c |
Label | Location1 Type System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1Type__c |
Label | Location1 Type |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location1Use__c |
Label | Location1 Use |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2City__c |
Label | Location2 City |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2Country__c |
Label | Location2 Country |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2Description__c |
Label | Location2 Description |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2EndDate__c |
Label | Location2 End Date |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2Id__c |
Label | Location2 Identifier |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2Line1__c |
Label | Location2 Line1 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2Line2__c |
Label | Location2 Line2 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2Name__c |
Label | Location2 Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2PostalCode__c |
Label | Location2 Postal Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2StartDate__c |
Label | Location2 Start Date |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2State__c |
Label | Location2 State |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2TelecomPeriodEnd__c |
Label | Location2 Telecom Period End |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2TelecomPeriodStart__c |
Label | Location2 Telecom Period Start |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2TelecomSystem__c |
Label | Location2 Telecom System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2TelecomUse__c |
Label | Location2 Telecom Use |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2TelecomValue__c |
Label | Location2 Telecom Value |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2Text__c |
Label | Location2 Text |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2TypeCode__c |
Label | Location2 Type Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2TypeLabel__c |
Label | Location2 Type Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2TypeSystem__c |
Label | Location2 Type System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2Type__c |
Label | Location2 Type |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location2Use__c |
Label | Location2 Use |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3City__c |
Label | Location3 City |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3Country__c |
Label | Location3 Country |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3Description__c |
Label | Location3 Description |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3EndDate__c |
Label | Location3 End Date |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3Id__c |
Label | Location3 Identifier |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3Line1__c |
Label | Location3 Line1 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3Line2__c |
Label | Location3 Line2 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3Name__c |
Label | Location3 Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3PostalCode__c |
Label | Location3 Postal Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3StartDate__c |
Label | Location3 Start Date |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3State__c |
Label | Location3 State |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3TelecomPeriodEnd__c |
Label | Location3 Telecom Period End |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3TelecomPeriodStart__c |
Label | Location3 Telecom Period Start |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3TelecomSystem__c |
Label | Location3 Telecom System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3TelecomUse__c |
Label | Location3 Telecom Use |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3TelecomValue__c |
Label | Location3 Telecom Value |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3Text__c |
Label | Location3 Text |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3TypeCode__c |
Label | Location3 Type Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3TypeLabel__c |
Label | Location3 Type Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3TypeSystem__c |
Label | Location3 Type System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3Type__c |
Label | Location3 Type |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location3Use__c |
Label | Location3 Use |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4City__c |
Label | Location4 City |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4Country__c |
Label | Location4 Country |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4Description__c |
Label | Location4 Description |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4EndDate__c |
Label | Location4 End Date |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4Id__c |
Label | Location4 Identifier |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4Line1__c |
Label | Location4 Line1 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4Line2__c |
Label | Location4 Line2 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4Name__c |
Label | Location4 Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4PostalCode__c |
Label | Location4 Postal Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4StartDate__c |
Label | Location4 Start Date |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4State__c |
Label | Location4 State |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4TelecomPeriodEnd__c |
Label | Location4 Telecom Period End |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4TelecomPeriodStart__c |
Label | Location4 Telecom Period Start |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4TelecomSystem__c |
Label | Location4 Telecom System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4TelecomUse__c |
Label | Location4 Telecom Use |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4TelecomValue__c |
Label | Location4 Telecom Value |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4Text__c |
Label | Location4 Text |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4TypeCode__c |
Label | Location4 Type Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4TypeLabel__c |
Label | Location4 Type Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4TypeSystem__c |
Label | Location4 Type System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4Type__c |
Label | Location4 Type |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location4Use__c |
Label | Location4 Use |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5City__c |
Label | Location5 City |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5Country__c |
Label | Location5 Country |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5Description__c |
Label | Location5 Description |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5EndDate__c |
Label | Location5 End Date |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5Id__c |
Label | Location5 Identifier |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5Line1__c |
Label | Location5 Line1 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5Line2__c |
Label | Location5 Line2 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5Name__c |
Label | Location5 Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5PostalCode__c |
Label | Location5 Postal Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5StartDate__c |
Label | Location5 Start Date |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5State__c |
Label | Location5 State |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5TelecomPeriodEnd__c |
Label | Location5 Telecom Period End |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5TelecomPeriodStart__c |
Label | Location5 Telecom Period Start |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5TelecomSystem__c |
Label | Location5 Telecom System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5TelecomUse__c |
Label | Location5 Telecom Use |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5TelecomValue__c |
Label | Location5 Telecom Value |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5Text__c |
Label | Location5 Text |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5TypeCode__c |
Label | Location5 Type Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5TypeLabel__c |
Label | Location5 Type Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5TypeSystem__c |
Label | Location5 Type System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5Type__c |
Label | Location5 Type |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Location5Use__c |
Label | Location5 Use |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Patient__c |
Label | Patient |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | HealthCloudGA__PeriodEnd__c |
Label | Period End |
Description | The end time of the encounter |
Name | HealthCloudGA__PeriodStart__c |
Label | Period Start |
Description | The Start time of the encounter |
Name | HealthCloudGA__PriorityCode__c |
Label | Priority Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__PriorityLabel__c |
Label | Priority Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__PrioritySystem__c |
Label | Priority System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Identity of the terminology system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Priority__c |
Label | Priority |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__ReasonCode__c |
Label | Reason Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__ReasonLabel__c |
Label | Reason Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__ReasonSystem__c |
Label | Reason System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Identity of the terminology system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__ServiceProvider__c |
Label | Service Provider |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemId__c |
Label | Source System ID |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__SourceSystemModified__c |
Label | Source System Modified |
Description | When last updated |
Name | HealthCloudGA__SourceSystem__c |
Label | Source System |
Type | TEXT(64) |
Help Text | Identifies the system that created the record and owns update rights to it. Defaults to Health1 for manually created records. |
Default value | "Health1-"+$Organization.Id |
Description | Identifies the system that created the record and owns update rights to it. |
Name | HealthCloudGA__Status__c |
Label | Status |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__TypeCode__c |
Label | Type Code |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Name | HealthCloudGA__TypeLabel__c |
Label | Type Label |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | HealthCloudGA__TypeSystem__c |
Label | Type System |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Identity of the terminology system |
Parents relationships(36)
Children relationships(6)
Object User-defined metadata (0)
Label | Value |