ERBuilder Data Modeler

Solution complète de modélisation de données.


01 Février 2024 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 7.2.0
  • Ajouté : Prise en charge du pool SQL dédié Azure Synapse
  • Ajouté : Intégration du type Enum dans la génération de données pour MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB via un masque ou un dictionnaire.
  • Corrigé : Résolution des bugs mineurs pour améliorer la stabilité et les performances globales du logiciel.
11 Décembre 2023 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 7.1.18
  • Corrigé : Problèmes mineurs.
24 Octobre 2023 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 7.1.9
  • Ajouté : Intégration d'un puissant Assistant de Requêtes de Métadonnées Avancées alimenté par l'API ChatGPT. Il permet aux utilisateurs de poser des questions et de recevoir des réponses sous forme de rapports et de statistiques à partir de leur modèle de données.
  • Ajouté : Prise en charge des scripts Avant et Après au niveau du projet et de la table de base de données.
  • Ajouté : Configuration d'IA générative multilingue. Introduction d'un champ "langue" dans les fenêtres de configuration de l'IA générative qui permet aux utilisateurs d'utiliser l'IA générative dans des langues autres que l'anglais.
  • Ajouté : La possibilité d'inclure des métadonnées définies par l'utilisateur dans le dictionnaire de données généré.
  • Ajouté : Introduction de MS-Excel en tant que format d'exportation pour le dictionnaire de données. Les utilisateurs peuvent désormais exporter leur dictionnaire de données au format MS-Excel pour une compatibilité et une collaboration améliorées.
  • Corrigé : Résolution des bugs mineurs pour améliorer la stabilité et les performances globales du logiciel.
16 Mai 2023 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 7.0.15
  • Ajouté : La possibilité de définir un schéma comme schéma par défaut pour PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Amazon Redshift et Microsoft Azure.
  • Amélioré : Améliorer les performances de chargement de l'arborescence pour les grands modèles de données.
  • Corrigé : Problèmes mineurs.
18 Avr 2023 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 7.0.7
  • Ajouté : Introduction de l'IA générative pour les diagrammes ER. Une nouvelle fonctionnalité alimentée par l'IA ChatGPT qui permet la génération automatique de diagrammes Entité-Relation (ER) à partir de la description du modèle de données, des "user-stories" ou des "requirements".
  • Ajouté : Utilisation de la fonctionnalité d'IA générative pour mettre à jour un modèle de données existant en générant automatiquement des tables et des relations à partir des descriptions, des "user-stories" ou des "requirements".
  • Ajouté : Génération de descriptions alimentée par l'IA pour les procédures, les vues et les déclencheurs (Triggers).
  • Ajouté : Une nouvelle méthode de réarrangement automatique qui facilite l'organisation des tables dans la zone de diagramme, ce qui simplifie la présentation visuelle de vos diagrammes Entité-Relation.
  • Ajouté : La possibilité de créer une connexion SSH vers un serveur distant en utilisant deux méthodes d'authentification : l'authentification par mot de passe et l'authentification par clé publique.
  • Amélioré : Rafraîchissement général, améliorations des performances et de l'interface utilisateur.
  • Corrigé : Problèmes mineurs.
01 Mars 2023 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 6.1.2
  • Added: ERBuilder now supports the ability to generate data model documentation to Confluence and Microsoft Word format.
  • Added: Support for Mariadb10, PostgreSQL14, and PostgreSQL15
  • Improved: General refresh, performance enhancements, and UI improvements
  • Fixed: Minor issues
01 Déc 2022 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 6.0.8
  • Added: Generate documentation and data dictionaries reports using ERBuilder command line console
  • Added: Synchronize the database schema directly with the data model
  • Added: Choose which objects to include in the database/model or model/database synchronization process.
  • Added: Schedule the generation of documentation and data dictionaries
  • Added: Export and import multiple requirements (update existing ones) from a CSV file
  • Added: Ability to link a requirement with other requirements
  • Added: The objects design got enhanced by adding rounded corner, highlighted fields, new color styles, and others styling changes
  • Added: Adding two new relationships line styles to help you to handle the straight relationship line
  • Added: Relooking the text box and the group box design with rounded corner
  • Added: Apply the same color style to multiple objects
  • Added: Support for Oracle 19
  • Improved: General refresh, performance enhancements, and UI improvements
  • Fixed: Minor issues
01 Août 2022 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 5.1.2
  • Added: Ability to describe and document tables, columns, triggers, procedures, views, and constraints with custom metadata
  • Added: Incorporate a new license activation/deactivation method that is more flexible and easy to apply
  • Improved: General refresh, performance upgrades, and UI improvements
  • Fixed: Minor issues
23 Déc 2021 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 5.0.1
  • Added: Git-based collaborative modeling
  • Added: Browse different versions of the model from the repository, merge and compare with the local model
  • Added: Requirements management: Ability to create and assign requirements to tables, columns, constraints, triggers, procedures and relationships
  • Added: Ability to update a data model with changes made to the database
  • Added: Resize and align multiple tables on the diagram area
  • Improved: Model documentation report
  • Improved: General refresh and performance upgrades
  • Fixed: Minor issues
01 Déc 2020 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version
  • Added: Show/Hide Relationships
  • Fixed: Minor issues.
  • Improved: large models enhancement
03 Sep 2020 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 4.0.0
  • Added: Data model browser
  • Added: Generate a customizable data dictionary of a model (HTML, CSV, JSON, XML, TXT, SQL, and MS-Excel)
  • Added: Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2019
  • Fixed: minor issues
15 Avr 2020 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 3.4.1
  • Improved: reverse engineering feature optimized for large databases
  • Fixed: minor issues
10 Mar 2020 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 3.4.0
  • Added: Model/ database schema synchronization
  • Added: Multiple projects management
  • Added: Windows authentication method in MS SQL Server connection
  • Added: Add existing tables/relationship to a diagram from another one
  • Added: Copy/paste between different projects
  • Improved: Schema comparison treeview
  • Fixed: Long stored procedure (more than 100 lines) was represented in split sections
  • Fixed: Other minor issues
14 Nov 2019 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 3.0.0
  • Added : Virtual data
  • Added : Test data generation
  • Added : Generate HTML templates (GUI from a data model)
  • Added : Switch to another target database
  • Added : Compare model to model
  • Added : Compare model to database
  • Added : Compare database to database
  • Added : Generate compare HTML report
  • Added : Split and merge relationship
  • Fixed : Export model as an image for large database models
  • Fixed : Column order
  • Fixed : SERIAL column as a FK
  • Fixed : Other minor issues
04 Sep 2019 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 2.1.6
  • Added : Search and replace in schema
  • Added : Improvement of HTML documentation generation
  • Fixed : Reverse engineering Microsoft Azure SQL database (schema issue)
  • Fixed : Other minor issues
11 Jul 2019 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 2.0.7
  • Fixed : Reverse engineering Redshift database (schema issue)
  • Fixed : Other minor issues
14 Mai 2019 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 2.0.0
  • Added : IDEF1X, Crow's Foot, Codasyl and relation notations support
  • Added : support for Microsoft Azure SQL database and Amazon Redshift
  • Added : Ability to import /generate databases for Microsoft Azure SQL database, Amazon Redshift and SQilte
  • Added : Data manipulation
  • Added : Version management
  • Added : Advanced keys management
  • Added : Multiple diagrams
  • Added : Diagram sizing
  • Added : Global search and replace
  • Added : Model documentation settings
  • Added : SSL Secure connections for PostgreSQL
  • Fixed : zoom issues.
  • Fixed : preview issues.
19 Mars 2019 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 1.3.0
  • Added: Support for Oracle 12 and Oracle 18 (DDL script only)
  • Added: Support for SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016 SQL Server 2017 (DDL script only)
03 Jan 2019 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 1.2.0
  • Added: Reverse and forward engineering for MySQL 8
  • Fixed: MySQL connection issues
24 Déc 2018 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 1.1.0
  • Added: Support for MySQL 8 and SQLite 3 (DDL script only)
  • Added: Support for Firebird 3, PostgreSQL 10 and PostgreSQL 11 (reverse and forward engineering)
  • Added: HTML report generation
  • Fixed: Refreshing the treeview after adding a new schema
  • Fixed: Caption and name disabled after entering an invalid name into schema
  • Fixed: Disabled fields after entering an invalid key name and post
  • Fixed: Many to many relationship undo/redo
  • Fixed: Incorrect information in the domain form
  • Fixed: Other issues
15 Oct 2018 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 1.0.0
  • Renaming the product ERBuilder
  • Added: Supporting schemas for PostgreSQL, SQL Server and Oracle
  • Added: Connection to PostgreSQL and Firebird
  • Added: Database generation for PostgreSQL and Firebird
  • Added: Checking and dropping existing objects (tables, foreign keys, sequences, views, domains, triggers and stored procedures) before generating a PostgreSQL database
  • Added: Reverse engineering for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Firebird
  • Added: Drag & Drop tables and relationships from treeviews into diagrams
  • Added : Unsigned, Zerofill in columns for MySQL
  • Added: user customizable GUI for the application (multiple themes and icons set)
  • And much more
02 Sep 2018 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 0.8.9
  • Fixed: Some issues
  • Added: Installer file packed in zip format
08 Mars 2018 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 0.8.8
  • Fixed: Error generated by checking the script preview in the entity after clearing a sequence used in columns (Firebird, Oracle)
  • Fixed: Duplicating an Entity may create a new entity out of the diagram after using zoom out.
  • Fixed: Duplicating an Entity with triggers generated from sequences not creating the script correctly
  • Fixed: Other issues with script preview in entity
  • Added: Undo/Redo (only two levels)
06 Fév 2018 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 0.8.7
  • Fixed: Inability to choose TIME(data type) (PostgreSQL)
  • Fixed: Inability to drop tables (with foreign keys) in MySQL when connected to the server
  • Fixed: Other issues
  • Added: View headers and Procedure headers
  • Added: Checkboxes to drop procedures and views if they exist (MySQL)
  • Added: Checking existing foreign keys and dropping them (MySQL)
  • Added: Option to apply sequence on columns (creating trigger for Firebird and Oracle , default value for PostgreSQL)
28 Dec 2017 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 0.8.6
  • Fixed: Inability to generate the script after starting a new project in Oracle and Firebird
  • Fixed: Inability to create the script for domains in MS Sql Server
  • Fixed: Issues with entity fonts
  • Fixed: Inability to load column sizes in old projects
  • Fixed: Unsaved option choices
  • Fixed: Other issues
  • Added: Connection for MySQL to generate the script directly
30 Nov 2017 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 0.8.5
  • Fixed: Duplicate an entity duplicating the key fields in the primary key
  • Fixed: Inability to add tables after changing the project name
  • Fixed: Editing a column primary key, duplicating the edited column in the keys tab when there are multiple keys
  • Fixed: Empty index fields and empty key fields if the fields are foreign keys and the relationship is deleted or the primary key is deleted
  • Fixed: SQL Syntax styler
  • Fixed: Foreign keys remaining undeleted from the treeview after deleting the parent table
  • Fixed: ER/Builder crashing when moving a relationship and using the right-click at the same time
  • Fixed: Other issues
  • Added: Ability to create a second relationship between two tables
26 Oct 2017 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version
  • Fixed: Duplicate columns in key fields and index fields when there are multiple keys or multiple indexes
23 Oct 2017 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 0.8.4
  • Fixed: Incorrect order when there are a multiple column primary keys in one table (in script)
  • Fixed: Changing the name and constraint name in the relationship generating an error
  • Fixed: Other issues
  • Added: Many to many relationship
  • Added: Checking if a duplicate constraint name exists
09 Oct 2017 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 0.8.3
  • Fixed: Displaying problems in the preview
  • Fixed: Inability to add a column to an empty table
  • Fixed: Unsaved position of project frame in diagram
  • Added: Reaching an entity from treeview (right mouse click)
  • Added: Reaching a relationship from treeview (right mouse click)
29 Sep 2017 | ERBuilder Data Modeler | Version 0.8.2
  • Fixed: Errors generated by deactivating primary key
  • Fixed: Page number of A4 in diagram
  • Added: Stored procedures
  • Added: Views

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