General informations

Name: HealthcareProvider
Label: Healthcare Provider
Type: Standard Object

Fields (33)
Name Label Type Description
Id Healthcare Provider ID ID
OwnerId Owner ID LOOKUP
IsDeleted Deleted CHECKBOX
Name Healthcare Provider Name TEXT(255)
CreatedDate Created Date DATETIME
CreatedById Created By ID LOOKUP
LastModifiedDate Last Modified Date DATETIME
LastModifiedById Last Modified By ID LOOKUP
SystemModstamp System Modstamp DATETIME
LastViewedDate Last Viewed Date DATETIME
LastReferencedDate Last Referenced Date DATETIME
AccountId Account ID LOOKUP
PractitionerId Contact ID LOOKUP
ProviderType Provider Type PICKLIST
ProviderClass Provider Class PICKLIST
InitialStartDate Initial Start Date DATE
TotalLicensedBeds Total Licensed Beds AUTO NUMBER
SourceSystemIdentifier Source System Identifier TEXT(255)
SourceSystem Source System TEXT(64)
EffectiveFrom Effective From DATE
EffectiveTo Effective To DATE
TerminationDate Termination Date DATE
TerminationReason Termination Reason TEXT(255)
EhrSystem EHR System TEXT AREA (LONG)(32000)
IsNotSearchable Exclude from search CHECKBOX
ReferredByContactId Contact ID LOOKUP
Status Status PICKLIST
HasCarrierContract Use CMS MA Contract Amendment CHECKBOX
CaqhIdentifier CAQH Identifier TEXT(80)
ProviderPhotoId ContentDocument ID LOOKUP
RelatedUserId User ID LOOKUP
Account_Id_1 Account_Account ID_1 LOOKUP
HealthcareFacility_Id_1 HealthcareFacility_Healthcare Facility ID_1 LOOKUP
Fields Details (33)
Name Id
Label Healthcare Provider ID
Type ID
Required Yes
Name OwnerId
Label Owner ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name IsDeleted
Label Deleted
Required Yes
Default value false
Name Name
Label Healthcare Provider Name
Type TEXT(255)
Required Yes
Name CreatedDate
Label Created Date
Required Yes
Name CreatedById
Label Created By ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name LastModifiedDate
Label Last Modified Date
Required Yes
Name LastModifiedById
Label Last Modified By ID
Foreign key Yes
Required Yes
Name SystemModstamp
Label System Modstamp
Required Yes
Name LastViewedDate
Label Last Viewed Date
Name LastReferencedDate
Label Last Referenced Date
Name AccountId
Label Account ID
Foreign key Yes
Help Text Account that this Healthcare Provider record is associated with.
Name PractitionerId
Label Contact ID
Foreign key Yes
Help Text Practitioner that this Healthcare Provider record is associated with.
Name ProviderType
Label Provider Type
Help Text Type of practitioner or facility. For example, pharmacist or ambulatory care facility.
Picklist values Hospital Ambulatory Care Laboratory Pharmacy Dentist Pharmacist Medical Doctor
Name ProviderClass
Label Provider Class
Help Text Class of facility, such as an IPA, Medical Group or Solo Practitioner.
Picklist values IPA Medical Group Solo Practitioner
Name InitialStartDate
Label Initial Start Date
Help Text Date that the facility first became operational or the practitioner first started practicing.
Name TotalLicensedBeds
Label Total Licensed Beds
Help Text Total number of licensed beds at this facility, if applicable.
Name SourceSystemIdentifier
Label Source System Identifier
Type TEXT(255)
Unique Yes
Help Text Record ID in Source System.
Name SourceSystem
Label Source System
Type TEXT(64)
Help Text System from which the record was sourced.
Name EffectiveFrom
Label Effective From
Help Text The date from which this Provider is effective.
Name EffectiveTo
Label Effective To
Help Text The date after which this Provider is no longer effective.
Name TerminationDate
Label Termination Date
Help Text Termination date of this Provider.
Name TerminationReason
Label Termination Reason
Type TEXT(255)
Help Text Reason for termination.
Name EhrSystem
Label EHR System
Type TEXT AREA (LONG)(32000)
Help Text Name of the EHR system used at this facility or organization.
Name IsNotSearchable
Label Exclude from search
Required Yes
Help Text Exclude this provider from search results.
Default value false
Name ReferredByContactId
Label Contact ID
Foreign key Yes
Help Text Provider that originated the referral.
Name Status
Label Status
Help Text Current status of the provider.
Picklist values Active Inactive Pending
Name HasCarrierContract
Label Use CMS MA Contract Amendment
Required Yes
Help Text Specifies whether the provider's contract uses a CMS Model MA Contract Amendment based on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines.
Default value false
Name CaqhIdentifier
Label CAQH Identifier
Type TEXT(80)
Unique Yes
Help Text Provider's unique ID assigned by the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH).
Name ProviderPhotoId
Label ContentDocument ID
Foreign key Yes
Name RelatedUserId
Label User ID
Foreign key Yes
Help Text Select the record of the user that's related to the healthcare provider.
Name Account_Id_1
Label Account_Account ID_1
Foreign key Yes
Name HealthcareFacility_Id_1
Label HealthcareFacility_Healthcare Facility ID_1
Foreign key Yes
Parents relationships(74)
Name Parent object Child object Parent object field Child object field
HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider Accreditation
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • ForecastContext HealthcareProvider AdvAcctForecastSetUse
  • Id
  • ForecastContextId
  • RecordCreator HealthcareProvider AllergyIntolerance
  • Id
  • RecordCreatorId
  • AssertionSource HealthcareProvider AllergyIntolerance
  • Id
  • AssertionSourceId
  • ContentContext HealthcareProvider AssessmentTaskContentDocument
  • Id
  • ContentContextId
  • Author HealthcareProvider AuthorNote
  • Id
  • AuthorId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider Award
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider BoardCertification
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider BusinessLicense
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • Provider HealthcareProvider CareBenefitVerifyRequest
  • Id
  • ProviderId
  • Prescriber HealthcareProvider CareBenefitVerifyRequest
  • Id
  • PrescriberId
  • Requester HealthcareProvider CareBenefitVerifyRequest
  • Id
  • RequesterId
  • Observer HealthcareProvider CareObservation
  • Id
  • ObserverId
  • Person HealthcareProvider CarePerformer
  • Id
  • PersonId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider CarePgmProvHealthcareProvider
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • Author HealthcareProvider CarePlan
  • Id
  • AuthorId
  • DetailRecord HealthcareProvider CarePlanActivityDetail
  • Id
  • DetailRecordId
  • DetailRecord HealthcareProvider CarePlanDetail
  • Id
  • DetailRecordId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider CareProviderAdverseAction
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • Provider HealthcareProvider CareProviderSearchableField
  • Id
  • ProviderId
  • DispensingPharmacy HealthcareProvider CareRequestDrug
  • Id
  • DispensingPharmacyId
  • ServicingProvider HealthcareProvider CareRequestDrug
  • Id
  • ServicingProviderId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider CareRequestExtension
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • RequestingProvider HealthcareProvider CareRequestExtension
  • Id
  • RequestingProviderId
  • ServicingProvider HealthcareProvider CareRequestExtension
  • Id
  • ServicingProviderId
  • ServicingProvider HealthcareProvider CareRequestItem
  • Id
  • ServicingProviderId
  • Reviewer HealthcareProvider CareRequestReviewer
  • Id
  • ReviewerId
  • Beneficiary HealthcareProvider CareTask
  • Id
  • BeneficiaryId
  • RequestedBy HealthcareProvider CareTask
  • Id
  • RequestedById
  • DetailRecord HealthcareProvider CareTaskDetail
  • Id
  • DetailRecordId
  • Subject HealthcareProvider ClinicalAlert
  • Id
  • SubjectId
  • RaisedBy HealthcareProvider ClinicalAlert
  • Id
  • RaisedById
  • IdentifiedBy HealthcareProvider ClinicalDetectedIssue
  • Id
  • IdentifiedById
  • DetailRecord HealthcareProvider ClinicalDetectedIssueDetail
  • Id
  • DetailRecordId
  • MitigationAuthor HealthcareProvider ClinicalDetectedIssueDetail
  • Id
  • MitigationAuthorId
  • Practitioner HealthcareProvider ClinicalEncounterProvider
  • Id
  • PractitionerId
  • Requester HealthcareProvider ClinicalServiceRequest
  • Id
  • RequesterId
  • Performer HealthcareProvider ClinicalServiceRequest
  • Id
  • PerformerId
  • FirstPublishLocation HealthcareProvider ContentVersion
  • Id
  • FirstPublishLocationId
  • Authenticator HealthcareProvider DiagnosticSummary
  • Id
  • AuthenticatorId
  • DetailRecord HealthcareProvider DiagnosticSummaryDetail
  • Id
  • DetailRecordId
  • ReferenceObject HealthcareProvider DocumentEnvelope
  • Id
  • ReferenceObjectId
  • RelatedTo HealthcareProvider EmailMessage
  • Id
  • RelatedToId
  • What HealthcareProvider Event
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • RelatedRecord HealthcareProvider FlowOrchestrationWorkItem
  • Id
  • RelatedRecordId
  • ReferenceObject HealthcareProvider GeneratedDocument
  • Id
  • ReferenceObjectId
  • Context HealthcareProvider GenericVisitTaskContext
  • Id
  • ContextId
  • AssignedBy HealthcareProvider GoalAssignment
  • Id
  • AssignedById
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider HealthcareFacilityNetwork
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider HealthcarePractitionerFacility
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • Provider HealthcareProvider HealthcareProviderService
  • Id
  • ProviderId
  • RecordCreator HealthcareProvider HealthCondition
  • Id
  • RecordCreatorId
  • AssertionSource HealthcareProvider HealthCondition
  • Id
  • AssertionSourceId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider HlthCareProvTreatedCondition
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • ParentRecord HealthcareProvider Identifier
  • Id
  • ParentRecordId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider IndividualApplication
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider InsurancePolicy
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • CollectedBy HealthcareProvider MedicationDispense
  • Id
  • CollectedById
  • SubstitutedBy HealthcareProvider MedicationDispense
  • Id
  • SubstitutedById
  • SecondarySource HealthcareProvider MedicationRequest
  • Id
  • SecondarySourceId
  • Requester HealthcareProvider MedicationRequest
  • Id
  • RequesterId
  • Performer HealthcareProvider MedicationRequest
  • Id
  • PerformerId
  • StatementSource HealthcareProvider MedicationStatement
  • Id
  • StatementSourceId
  • SurrogateDecisionMaker HealthcareProvider MedicationTherapyReview
  • Id
  • SurrogateDecisionMakerId
  • RecordCreator HealthcareProvider PatientMedicalProcedure
  • Id
  • RecordCreatorId
  • AssertionSource HealthcareProvider PatientMedicalProcedure
  • Id
  • AssertionSourceId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider PersonEducation
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • HealthcareProvider HealthcareProvider ProviderNetworkContract
  • Id
  • HealthcareProviderId
  • Provider HealthcareProvider ProviderSearchSyncLog
  • Id
  • ProviderId
  • What HealthcareProvider Task
  • Id
  • WhatId
  • Relation HealthcareProvider TaskRelation
  • Id
  • RelationId
  • DetailRecord HealthcareProvider TrackedCommunicationDetail
  • Id
  • DetailRecordId
  • REFERENCE_9 HealthcareProvider CareRequest
  • Id
  • HealthcareProvider_Id_1
  • REFERENCE_21 HealthcareProvider PersonEmployment
  • Id
  • HealthcareProvider_Id_1