Document a Salesforce org
Last updated Feb 20th, 2023,
As a Salesforce developer or administrator, documentation is exactly what you need to have a clear understanding of how your org operates.
Have a well-documented org helps you to stay organized as your organization grows in size and complexity. In fact, having documentation is an absolute necessity.

Document Salesforce org using AbstraLinx
In this article, we will see how to generate Salesforce documentation using AbstraLinx.
First of all, you need to connect your Salesforce organization with AbstraLinx
Download AbstraLinx and install it (Download for Free).
After installation, open the application and go to the menu "File | Manage connections" and create a new connection to your Salesforce org. For more details about how to configure a new connection, read this step-by-step tutorial.
After you set up a connection with your Salesforce, you can now easily reverse engineer your organization. Read more about How to reverse engineer a Salesforce organization.
Now let's generate Salesforce documentation
To generate the documentation
1. Select “Tools | Generate Model Documentation” from the Tools menu.

2. Select the following options as needed and then click Generate DDL Script.
• Output: Select a Directory to save the generated documentation file
• Images Diagram Check to integrate the images of your data model to the documentation file
• One/Multi page Check to choose if the generated Html file will be a single or multiple HTML files

• Elements to include: Select the objects you want to be generated in the documentation HTML

• Elements details to include: Select the details of your objects to include in the generated documentation HTML

3. Click the “OK” button to generate the documentation file
Generated HTML documentation- Home page
Here is an example of documentation that was generated with Abstralinx. Click on the screenshot below to explore the documentation example.
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